Tuplahuoneet ja muut sekaset kartat...
sorry, jos muualla on jo puhetta, toi haku ei oo parhain mahdollinen...
Käyttäen joko placidusta, kochia, porphyryä, tai tasahuonejärjestelmää,
niin siltikin tulee ongelma, koskien ascendenttiä, 1. huonetta ja 12. huonetta.
Nousumerkki selkeästi on neitsyt, mutta 1. huone on selkeästi vaa'an oma. Kärki taas on neitsyt.
12. huone on selkeästi neitsyt, ja myös kärki osuu neitsyeen.
asc on siis 27 astetta neitsyttä, eli ihan sen loppupuolella.
Niin saan myös vaaka-piirteitä vahvasti nousumerkkiini.
Ja yeah, ainahan se niin menee, että jos joku merkki osuu "rajoille" niin saa molempien vaikutuksia,
mutta ongelma tässä on se, että miten ne rajat tässä vedetään?
Myös placiduksen heittämä kärki 2. huoneen vaakaan sopii myös itseeni hyvin.
Toisaalta olen soveltanut koko karttaani siten, että olen lukenut nousu vaakojen huonejärjestelmien tulkintoja,
sekä nousu neitsyen. Molemmissa sovellettavaa ja sisällyttettävää. Eli sinänsä mitkä tahansa "valmis tulkinnat"
ovat räätälöity sellaisille, missä on selkeästi tietyt akselit ja laadut?
Jotkut tulkinnat nousu neitsyeistä, koko kartan perusteella, meni jotenkin "ohi".
Mitenkäs jos jollain olisin nousumerkki 29 asteessa jotain merkkiä?
niin eihän sitäkään voi tulkita täysin sen merkin perusteella vaan koko huonejärjestely menee uuskiksi.
Toisaalta tässä vaiheessa ymmärrän, miksi jotkut astrologit hylkäävät kokonaan huonejärjestelmät.
Ne menee sekaisin joissain tapauksissa. Mutta toisaalta ymmärrän sen, että huoneet tuovat alueita esiin.
harmi kun tuohon ei ole mitään yksiselitteistä kaavaa. Eli jos joillain menee huonejaottelut sekaisin, niin
tulkintojen osalta saa olla tarkkana. Myös, että jos on tuplahuoneita, niin löytyy myös näitä "komeromerkkejä",
siitä olikin jo keskustelua jossain...
Niin, en ihmettele jos jotkut tulkinnat saattaa mennä plörinäksi, juuri tuon huonejärjestelmän vuoksi.
Same sign on 1st and 2nd house cusps: gives us the power of personality: make your personality an asset, use your personal power to produce value.
Same sign on 2nd and 3rd house cusps: gives us the power of productivity: acquire new skills, new information, new associations and communicate your values.
Same sign on 3rd and 4th house cusps: gives us the power of knowledge: use information in emotionally gratifying ways, not just collecting info for the sake of it, but finding what info allows you to make your base secure.
Same sign on 4th and 5th house cusps: gives us emotional power: use your past experiences, your inheritance, and emotional strength, to be creative. Express your emotional power.
Same sign on 5th and 6th house cusps: gives us the power of creativity: use your creativity in a productive enterprise, use your talents in your work. Have fun and express yourself at work.
Same sign on 6th and 7th house cusps: gives us the power of daily management: work in partnership.
Same sign on 7th and 8th house cusps: gives us people power: use your ability to attract relationships in order to find opportunity to regenerate. Learn to do the work involved in actually maintaining the relationship.
Same sign on 8th and 9th house cusps: gives us the power of regeneration: use your experience of the process of death and rebirth to develop a philosophy embracing the meaning of that experience.
Same sign on 9th and 10th house cusps: gives us the power of convictions: act on your convictions, stand for them in the public eye. Build your career on your principles.
Same sign on 10th and 11th house cusps: gives us the power of influence: use your earned social position for a social cause which can benefit from your professional skills.
Same sign on 11th and 12th house cusps: gives us group power: become aware that group work for social change can bring about healing on a larger scale. Move on from involvement to compassion.
Same sign on 12th and 1st house cusps: gives us power of the past? of inner life? of karma?: perhaps some karmic mission was left unfinished. Unconscious energy is projected outwards. Bring it out and show others how to live in accordance to one's inner life.
The Signs Duplicated
Aries – Libra Duplicated
Taking direct action will come easily, especially in the areas of life governed by the Houses with Aries on the cusps. There is a strong ability to socialize and cooperate in the areas of life governed by the Houses with libra on the cusps.
Taurus – Scorpio Duplicated
Stability, persistence, practicality, and accumulation of resources and values come easily in the areas of life governed by the Houses with Taurus on the cusps. In the areas of life governed by the Houses with Scorpio on the cusps power can be accumulated, and there is a strong ability to influence the value of others.
Gemini – Sagittarius Duplicated
There are often strong skills in communication and being detail-orientated in the areas of life governed by the Houses with Gemini on the cusps. It’s easy to achieve a broad understanding and find a personal philosophy in the areas of life governed by the Houses with Sagittarius on the cusps.
Cancer – Capricorn Duplicated
There is a strong sense of feeling at home and secure in the areas of life governed by the Houses with Cancer on the cusps. In the areas of life governed by the Houses with Capricorn on the cusps, building and organizing comes naturally and skillfully.
Leo – Aquarius Duplicated
This implies a love of being on stage in the areas of life governed by the Houses with Leo on the cusps. On the other hand, we like to destroy the stage and create a new model in the areas of life governed by the Houses with Aquarius on the cusps.
Virgo – Pisces Duplicated
There is a high level of criticism and business in the areas of life governed by the Houses with Virgo on the cusps. Imagination, instincts, and sympathy can all be used in the areas of life governed by the Houses with Pisces on the cusps.
The Houses Duplicated
First & Second – Seventh & Eighth Houses Duplicated
Personality can be asset, to produce value. Ability to attract relationships, which can be used to find opportunity to grow. However, they will need to learn how to do the work required to maintain the relationship.
Second & Third – Eighth & Ninth Houses Duplicated
There is a strong ability to acquire new skills, information, and associations, along with communicating values. Experiences with death and rebirth allow them to develop a philosophy in embracing what said experiences mean.
Third & Fourth – Ninth & Tenth Houses Duplicated
The ability to use information in emotionally gratifying ways, rather than just collecting information for the sake of it – finding which information allows for a secure base. Strong knack for acting on convictions, and standing for them in the public eye; building a career on personal principles.
Fourth & Fifth – Tenth & Eleventh Houses Duplicated
Past experiences allow for creative expression and emotional power. There is a desire to use social position for humanitarian causes.
Fifth & Sixth – Eleventh & Twelfth Houses Duplicated
Work and creativity become intertwined, a career is chosen based on the ability to have fun and express themselves at work. There is an capacity to be aware of group work for social change, which can bring healing on a wide scale.
Sixth & Seventh – Twelfth & First Houses Duplicated
The partner is often seen as an asset. Forming relationships with coworkers comes easily. Unconscious energy is often projected outwards, which can show others how to live in accordance to their inner world. "
http://www.bobmarksastrologer.com/duplicated_signs.htmhttp://www.bobmarksastrologer.com/Intercepted_signs.htmTuon perustella olisin:
" Sixth and Seventh Houses, Twelfth and First Houses: With the houses of work and marriage linked, you could be married to your work, or you could work with your marriage partner. The 12th house deals with everything hidden and mysterious, so it’s no surprise to find that illusionist David Copperfield has the same sign on both his 12th and 1st houses. "
David Copperfieldillä on samassa asteessa nousumerkki. Olenkin havannoinut, että tuleva kumppanini löytyisi töistä, ja onkin ollut ehdokkaita. Tai jos ei miellytä kukaan, niin luultavasti olen työhöni rakastunut

Ehdottomasti se, että täytyy löytää rakkaus töihin, tai intohimo töihin, tai tekemiseen, sitä kautta löydän itseni ja sitä kautta ilmaantuu ihmisiä.
Tuntuu et joku on läiskässyt kaks karttaa päällekkäin itelleni, ja ollu huolimaton, ja vähän lipsauttanu kalvoo liikaa eteenpäin.

Mutta! tsiisus kuinka joillain huonejärjestelmien kanssa on vielä isompia ongelmia, eli täytyy ottaa järeemmät aseet, ja mikrsoskoopit kehiin...