Sivuja: [1] 2 3
Kirjoittaja Aihe: Pluto Jousimiehessä 2008 asti, vaikutus eri merkkeihin  (Luettu 21499 kertaa)
0 jäsentä ja 1 vieras katselee tätä aihetta.
^^Queen Nefertiti^^
Viestejä: 10595

au, kuu jousimies / asc vaaka नमस्ते ‏الله‎ ॐ

« : 02.09.2006 14:44:04 »

Your personality and the image you project to the world will undergo a dramatic change and transformation during Pluto's visit to your 1st House. This is the sector of Self. Although you normally enjoy socializing, things may change under Pluto's subtle influence. You may find you are less interested in being with people. You may even become something of a loner. The pressure involved in the transformation may make you seek solitude more often than in the past.

*Ylläoleva on ainakin totta minulla samoin allaoleva kappale.

This lengthy transit will develop your resourcefulness. You will gain fresh perspectives on your needs and desires. You want something different from relationships. Your new attitude may cause some established alliances to end because they no longer suit you. You aren't satisfied with superficial relationships and causal explanations for why things are the way they are. With so many changes occurring, you may feel as if you are constantly experiencing new beginnings.

At this time you will gradually reshape many aspects of your personality, and you will gradually get in touch with the forces that have shaped you and made you what you are. Getting in touch with yourself in this manner is especially helpful because it gives you greater control over the unconscious desires that in the past have surfaced as compulsions, urges and irrational impulses. You will gain greater control over the ways in which you project your personality to others, which will make your relationships more rewarding. However, en route to this desirable goal of self-improvement, you will have to meet certain challenges in order to make anything good come out of this period. If you strive to understand yourself well, you will be able to bring about a complete rebirth of energy and effectiveness in your life.

The type of people you attract now will reflect not just your ego but also the image you project. If you are drawing the wrong kind of people, it may be because you unwittingly project an aura of aloofness, promiscuity, a willingness to be abused or any of a hundred other wrong images. At times you may unconsciously send out a vibe that reveals a hidden need or weakness, and this makes you vulnerable to those who want to take advantage of you. Examine your words and behavior to see if there is anything you should change.

Fortunately, under the influence of this transit you will be more and more driven to seek out the inner dimensions of your life. You will be attracted to the mysteries and hidden aspects of life, which will make you very interested in your own and other people's inner workings. The purpose is directed towards a total regeneration of the self.

*Viileä ja seksikäs mutta ei oikeesti jaksa olla ihmisten kanssa? Aina voi yrittää..
« Viimeksi muokattu: 02.09.2006 15:01:19 kirjoittanut ^^Golden Sphinx^^ » tallennettu

Viestejä: 1798

Profiili WWW
« Vastaus #1 : 23.09.2006 14:07:54 »

You will experience important psychological changes during Pluto's thirteen year stay in your sector of the unconscious mind. This reflects the shadowy 12th house. During this transit you will deal with buried memories of the consequences of past mistakes which are painful, but must be resolved. This transit has many ramifications and prepares you for a complete rebuilding of the self. This transit will clear away old and hidden psychological garbage, which must happen to lay the groundwork for rebuilding.

Circumstances beyond your control may compel you to face unpleasant issues so you can conquer them and thereby gain inner strength. You have to master secret compulsions you previously chose to ignore. During this period you may spend more time than usual being alone or doing things away from the public view. This gives you the opportunity to uncover, examine and dissolve your bondage to secret fears and sorrows linked to the past. You now have the energy and emotional strength to break their power on you.

Pluto activates unconscious patterns so that they can no longer be ignored. Unconscious motivated actions can become extremely troublesome at this time. Although you intend to act one way in a situation, you suddenly find yourself acting quite differently. It is extremely important to understand these unconscious energies and be willing to confront them and the aspects of yourself that you have been taught are "bad." You cannot go through adulthood with behavior patterns that are clearly childish. You may relive events of your childhood that are affecting you now, and you should feel free to do inner child work with a therapist who can help you to release these patterns.

You may have alienated someone quite unconsciously and even quite blamelessly, who may try to work against you. Secret enemies may surface but they are not really unknown to you. You may have to confront your feelings of guilt about them and your only recourse is to bring these feelings out into the open. Secret enemies cannot work against you in the open, and if you are completely onset with them, they may have a change of heart towards you.

Whatever your situation, you will find it necessary to confront all your hidden and unpleasant aspects of life and of your past. By avoiding them you have created a situation in which they control you. Only by facing them honestly and without guilt can you clear them away and prevent them from having any further influence over you. This is the task of Pluto in the 12th House.

Eliminate self-imposed limitations and seek self-knowledge. Make this a period of psychological growth and spiritual insight. Read inspirational books and magazines. Cultivate your spiritual life. Give yourself credit for all your past achievements, large and small. Forgive yourself and others for past mistakes. Once these goals are accomplished, you are free to take control of your destiny and move forward constructively.
Tunnistan 1. huoneen asiat, mutta myös 12. huoneen, kun Pluto onliikkunut Askendantin yli toistuvasti, viimeinen ohitus oli 12. päivä, mutta vaikutus kestänee vielä ensi kuun puoleen väliin.
En vastaa puheluihin, jos ei huvita -
kiertelen ja välttelen kylään kutsuja,
tuntuu ettei ole ihmisten kanssa mitään yhteistä (muilla on kaikki asiat paremmin  buck2 )
sukellan mieluummin astrologisten opusten maailmaan ja unohdan kaiken muun.

Viestejä: 2144

Silmät ovat sielun peili :)!

« Vastaus #2 : 23.09.2006 19:41:30 »

Pluto spends the next thirteen years in your sector of wisdom, the 9th House. Circumstances beyond your control force you to face your prejudices and misconceptions about the world in which you live. You may have to deal with people from different races or cultures, whom you had previously looked down upon.

During this transit you will develop a hatred for hypocrisy. You will be attracted to foreign cultures, education, religion, metaphysics, and spiritual interests. You may teach a special skill or guide others in spiritual matters. You may hold a prominent position in a class or religious group. Some of you can earn a college education, while others will develop valuable new skills. Many will experience a complete spiritual rebirth. Some may convert to a different faith. If transiting Pluto forms an adverse aspect (square or opposition) to one of your natal planets, you may become a fanatic and try to win everyone over to your way of thinking. Your convictions will help you persuade others of what you have learned, but give them a chance to experience and find their own views as well.

Your view of the world around you will change considerably because crises in your life will show you the invalidity of your former views. Your ability to see and understand the world and your wisdom in handling it will grow and deepen. This will help you to mature and become a far better human being. There is no need to fear this transit in any way and it will prepare you for your next phase when Pluto transits your tenth house of career and life goals.

This will be a period of dramatic intellectual growth. It is a time to broaden your perspective and expand your horizons. Use this power period to find ways to move beyond your own limitations and reach for amazing new possibilities. Give yourself credit for all of your past achievements. Move up and ahead with hope, determination and confidence.   ET SILLEEN  Wink

Trooppinen Oinas, Kuu Kauris, Asc Leijona
Sideerinen Kalat, Kuu Jousimies,Meridiaani Vesimies
Punainen sähköinen(spektrinen) taivaanvaeltaja
Kiinalainen: Metalli Rotta, egona Hevonen
Egyptiläinen: Isis
Asteekki merkki: Acatl eli Ruoko
Druidi: Pähkinäpensas
Kiinalainen: Rotta , Feng Shui 472
^^Queen Nefertiti^^
Viestejä: 10595

au, kuu jousimies / asc vaaka नमस्ते ‏الله‎ ॐ

« Vastaus #3 : 24.09.2006 20:57:28 »

Onnea vaan meille kaikille! Mikähän sitten tosiaan meneekään Joukkariin?  smitten Kiss

Satunnainen astroilija
Viestejä: 37

« Vastaus #4 : 24.09.2006 21:05:09 »

Mielenkiintoinen saitti! Ravulle sanottiin näin/olen korostanut kohdat jotka kuulostavat tutuilta:

Health and karmic obligations are emphasized until 2008, while transiting Pluto occupies your 6th House. This transit's impact is most likely to feel like a fresh interest in work, health, and deeply held emotional attachments, such as your original family members. If you are unhappy with your job or position in life, you can change the situation during this lengthy transit. You must be patient, however, for Pluto transits tend to work themselves out in a gradual way.

Take enough time to identify your hidden needs and strengthen them. Think about your undeveloped potential. Evaluate your usual methods of handling obligations. If you feel guilty about failing to satisfy commitments in the past, figure out ways to improve your performance.

You can expect great changes in your work, possibly a complete change in job or career. There may be a difficult period of tension, because Pluto creates tension with people in your job, particularly bosses. You may be compelled to look elsewhere for work even if you don't want to. If this kind of tension arises, don't fight it as it is probably best to get another job. You may go from one job to another as you search for the proper situation and it may take several years to find it. As Pluto gets near the end of this transit, all should fall into place.

If pets are important to you, you may lose an animal or get new ones during this period. You may develop a new fondness for animals and bring a new pet into your life.
If you have ignored your health or have abused your body and mind in recent years, situations may arise which force you to pay attention to your physical or emotional needs. If you have become a work-a-holic health problems may develop to compel you to change jobs, slow down or even quit working. For years you may have had a physical condition that you haven't considered worth attending to, but now it may reach a critical point and you must do something about it. At its most severs, this transit could bring a complete physical breakdown, but only if you have neglected your health needs over a long period of time.

This transit can indicate a complete physical transformation and regeneration. If you adapt a careful physical regimen now you can rebuild your body's strength and vitality. Examine your diet, exercise program and perhaps take up yoga or a similar physical-spiritual balance program. Remain open to new ideas and know that you can achieve physical and spiritual healing through the remainder of this century and well into the next one.

Työturbulenssi ja -väsymys osuivat nappiin. Olen vaihtanut vsta -95 työpaikkoja kuin paitaa, osittain pakon sanelemana. Työssäjaksaminen on ollut ykkösteema, välillä on tuntunut ettei elämässä muuta ole ollutkaan kuin työ työ ja työ. Pomot ovat olleet pääosin jees, vain yksi inhoke mahtui mukaan.

Jännä juttu myös tuo lemmikkieläinasia. Otimme vuosi sitten perheeseemme ihanan pikkulemmikin, koiran. Se on antanut paljon iloa! smitten

^^Queen Nefertiti^^
Viestejä: 10595

au, kuu jousimies / asc vaaka नमस्ते ‏الله‎ ॐ

« Vastaus #5 : 24.09.2006 21:06:57 »

Totta, seitsemäs työpaikka menossa tänä vuonna laskujen mukaan.. välillä visiittejä yrityksiin, firmoihin jossa sukulaisia johtajina..  coolsmiley coolsmiley angel Ainakin isoisän kautta 2 kissanpentua saapunut lähipiiriin..

Viestejä: 69

« Vastaus #6 : 05.10.2006 22:43:21 »

Scorpio: October 21 - November 20

Living standards and finances are emphasized by Pluto's transit of your 2nd House. This house represents your values and personal income. The source of your income is likely to change during this transit. Some of you may gain a great deal of money or other valuable possessions, while others may lose a lot. A very lucky Scorpio may win a lottery of a considerable size.

Pitää jatkaa siis lottoamista...   Tongue

This process includes major changes in your financial picture over the next several years. The most upsetting aspect of this change is that quite frequently it begins with a breakdown phase, in which you have to get along with much less. You may have a cut back in business or difficulty borrowing money. You may have to change the source of your income and experience less income during the changeover. If you own property, you may have to invest in modernization or considerable repairs and maintenance. Your material base will change and it will be hard to depend upon your accustomed income.

Tulot ovat vaihdelleet ja paikat ovat vaihdelleet, koska olin 95 lukiossa ja sen jälkeen olen opiskellut lisää, ollut töissä ja välillä työttömänä..
You are by no means doomed to poverty, however. This is a temporary phase that will pass as soon as the breakdown phase is finished. Don't hold on to the old, but allow it to leave, which will speed up the arrival of new beginnings and a new phase.

 knuppel2 Parasta olisi..

Your ideals and priorities are in the spotlight during this transit. You will learn what truly matters most to you and your happiness. Forces beyond your control will have you examine your values and the way you define yourself. If you base your self-worth on money or possessions, you may lose them and have to rethink your priorities. Events will teach you that love, honor, family and good health are far more precious that wealth or material gain. Only our inner values have significance and are within our total control.

Your will to survive is extremely strong
. It gradually deepens your awareness, allowing new values and more effective ways of relating to emerge. Hidden motives, intentions and emotional agendas come into play during crises and personal confrontations. Honesty's bright light will reveal to you some harsh truths about yourself and will force you to face emotional reality and the rules of life. Ignore temptations to use dishonest means or coercive tactics in business or personal affairs, for that would be sure to have some dire consequences.


U should C my bedroom.. It's so exiting...
Viestejä: 1591

Elämä on seikkailu

« Vastaus #7 : 05.10.2006 22:51:58 »

Pitää paikkaansa, työpaikkoja ollu useita, ehkä kylläkin ihan omasta halustani olla freelanser....ja uupuminen pitää paikkaansa myös. Kelju pomo ollu viimesessä paikassa.
Me hankimme myös neljä vuotta sitten koirulin, todella rakas.
Hmmm ja lopussakin oli ravulle ihan osuvaa asiaa.
« Vastaus #8 : 14.11.2006 20:48:49 »

Pisces: February 19 - March 19
Your ambitions undergo a dramatic change during the period 1995 - 2008, while Pluto slowly tours your sector of achievement and life outside the family unit. The planet energizes your 10th House, which stands on your mid-heaven at the top of your birth chart. Your will power will increase and you will feel a desire to succeed in your area of expertise. Even if you were shy in the past, this transit will fuel your desire to prove what you can do. You want your accomplishments to be recognized and your talents to be appreciated.

This is a most important time of your life, for you will try to achieve more now than you ever have before. You want to make the greatest possible mark upon the world, and now is the time for you to do it. You need to be focused on who you are and what your life is about. Pluto gives you the power to achieve your life goals and the insight to determine what they are. Consequently, you become secure and knowing yourself, you create the opportunity for greater success, as long as you heed certain warnings. If you do not know your goals, you will probably change your path. You may change jobs often and spend several years feeling quite lost until you find out what you are supposed to be doing.

This transit can bring major, irrevocable changes in your personal reputation. You may become involved with power struggles or job related intrigues. Business contacts with people of great wealth or influence can be established at this time. You're almost sure to be involved with loans, taxes, insurance, inheritances, joint finances, corporate money or secret projects. If transiting Pluto makes adverse aspects to your natal planets you may suffer a reversal of fortune or develop a power complex. Avoid wreaking havoc or bending the standards of ethics with this transit. Pluto's energies are too powerful to play games with. Play fair, according to the rules, don't take shortcuts and continue to pursue your goals.

You could find yourself in situations which force you to deal with authority figures or to manage business interests; tasks you may previously considered too complicated to tackle. If you encounter difficult circumstances, have confidence in your ability. The important thing is not to become discouraged. You will undergo considerable changes during this transit and even feel as if you have become a different person, which is probably true. Take your time and allow your inner direction to help you find yourself. Pluto's presence in your 10th house indicates that you possess the inner resources and emotional strength to deal with these changes during this empowered time.

.....siis miten niin huoneessa 10?  idiot2 idiot2
No se on kyllä totta että työpaikkoja olen vaihdellut tiukkaan tahtiin ja polulta toiselle on tullut hypittyä monessakin asiassa..

Ja niinpä niin..pitäs muistaa välillä sekin totuus että "rohkea rokan syö" Cheesy Cheesy
Viestejä: 2365

Linnunradan liftari

« Vastaus #9 : 16.11.2006 13:26:47 »

.....siis miten niin huoneessa 10?  idiot2 idiot2
No se on kyllä totta että työpaikkoja olen vaihdellut tiukkaan tahtiin ja polulta toiselle on tullut hypittyä monessakin asiassa..

Käsittääkseni nämä astrologit, jotka kirjoittelevat merkkikohtaisia ennusteita, katsovat huonejaon aina kyseisen merkin näkökulmasta, karkealla merkki per huone -jaolla. Tässä esim. Kalojen merkin on katsottu edustavan huonetta 1. (koska horoskooppi on Kaloille) ja siitä perspektiivistä katsottuna Jousimies on 10. merkki ja 10. huone.

Minullekin tuo työjuttu tosin osuu ihan senkin takia, koska aurinkoni on ykkösessä ja MC:ni Jousimiehessä ja Pluto on oikeasti syntymäkartallakin katsottuna seilannut tuolla kympissä viime ajat. En tosin ole vaihtanut työpaikkaa, mutta olen kyseenalaistanut sen ja parhaillaan opiskelen aivan muuta alaa työn ohessa. Smiley Valtasuhteet ja ryhmädynamiikka ovat Jouskari-työpaikallani olleet muutoksen alla viime vuodet.

Aur Kalat (Aur-Jup 1. huone)
Asc Kauris
Kuu Vesimies (Kuu-Mer 1. huone)
Viestejä: 76

« Vastaus #10 : 16.11.2006 15:27:27 »

 rapu Hassua, viime vuonna tuli otettua uusi lemmikki, eikä ollut itse suunniteltua, vaan se "kulkeutui" meille. Rakastettu kuitenkin.  smitten
Työelämä on ollut todella vaihtelevaa.
Mitä enemmän näihin perehtyy, sitä enemmän yllättyy ja viisastuu.

Keltainen galaktinen siemen
« Vastaus #11 : 21.11.2006 21:19:09 »

Jaaha, enpä nyt pysy kärryillä, ai että pluto jouskarissa jne..... Huh
« Vastaus #12 : 21.11.2006 21:25:52 »

Minulla on oikein vanha horoskooppikirja vuodelta 1969 ja siellä mainitaan että kalojen huone on 12 ja jouskareitten huone 9

Viestejä: 2365

Linnunradan liftari

« Vastaus #13 : 23.11.2006 11:05:37 »

MetalLady, olet ihan oikeassa. Taisin kuitenkin nähtävästi kirjoittaa hieman epäselvästi, joten yritän vielä selventää mitä tuossa tarkoitin. Smiley

Huoneillahan on omat merkkinsä ja hallitsijansa, alkaen ykköshuoneesta ja Oinaasta, päättyen 12. huoneeseen ja Kaloihin. Kuitenkin henkilökohtaisilla kartoilla se, mihin huoneiden kärjet osuvat, riippuu täysin syntymähetkestä ja syntymäpaikasta. Näin ollen kaikilla meillä ei suinkaan ykköshuoneen kärki osu Oinaan tai 12. huone Kalojen merkkiin, ja mm. juuri tämä seikka tekee kartoistamme yksilöllisiä.

Kuukausihoroskooppien laatijat eivät kuitenkaan voi mitenkään ottaa huomioon esim. kaikkien Kalojen yksilöllisiä karttoja, joten heidän on pakko lähteä liikkeelle yleistyspohjalta. Mutta miten tehdä yleispätevä horoskooppi kaikille Kaloille? Horoskooppien laatijat varmaankin käyttävät erilaisia menetelmiä astrologiaan perehtyneisyyden asteestaan riippuen (tai sitten vetävät tekstit hihasta kuten esim. iltalehdissä), mutta nimenomaan tuosta Lemniskatan laittamasta tekstinpätkästä päättelin, että siinä ainakin tekijä on hyvin todennäköisesti tehnyt "yleispätevän kartan" kaikille Kalat-merkkisille siten, että on sijoittanut auringon huoneeseen yksi. Tämä tuntuisi loogiselta, koska ykköshuone on minuuden ja persoonallisuuden huone.

Koska kaikkien Kalojen syntymäaikoja ei edelleenkään voida ottaa yhtä aikaa huomioon, ei huonejärjestelmistäkään (kuten Placidus) ole kartan teossa varsinaista hyötyä. Siispä tällainen yleispätevä kartta on kätevintä tehdä merkki per huone -systeemillä. Kaikkien Kalojen kakkoshuone vastaisi täten Oinaan merkkiä, kolmoshuone Härän merkkiä jne...ja kymmenennen huoneen kohdalle osuisi näin Jousimies. Siispä kun Pluto liikkuu Jousimiehessä, sen katsotaan yleistetysti liikkuvan "kaikkien Kalojen 10. huoneessa", jos halutaan tehdä yleispätevä horoskooppi. Omalla, yksilöllisellä syntymäkartalla voi transitoiva Pluto tietenkin osua mihin huoneeseen tahansa, riippuen täysin oman kartan huoneiden kärjistä (ja tietysti myös kartan teossa käytetystä huonejärjestelmästä). Samalla systeemillä tietenkin, jos halutaan tehdä yleishoroskooppi kaikille Jouskareille, laitetaan aurinko ykköshuoneeseen & Jousimieheen. Siitä laskien kaikkien Jouskareiden 2. huone olisi Kauriissa, 3. huone Vesimiehessä jne. Pluto liikkuisi siis "kaikkien Jouskareiden" ykköshuoneessa juuri nyt, Neptunus 3. huoneessa (koska on nyt Vesimiehessä) jne.

Jos oma kartta siis sattuu osumaan yksiin tuon merkki per huone -systeemin kanssa, se selittäisi, miksi jotkut yleispätevätkin horoskoopit tuntuvat osuvan hämmästyttävän oikeaan. Smiley Joku voi toki vielä vahvistaa tai hylätä tämän oletukseni, oikeasti en 100 % varmasti tiedä, miltä pohjalta astrologit noita yleishoroskooppejaan tekevät.

Aur Kalat (Aur-Jup 1. huone)
Asc Kauris
Kuu Vesimies (Kuu-Mer 1. huone)
« Vastaus #14 : 23.11.2006 19:51:19 »

Kiitos tuosta selvennyksestä, voihan olla että minä ite en sun kirjoitusta älynnyt. Olenpa taas viisaampi. Smiley
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