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Kirjoittaja Aihe: Astrologia ei kannata käyttää sijoituskonsulttina?  (Luettu 3338 kertaa)
0 jäsentä ja 1 vieras katselee tätä aihetta.
Viestejä: 8229

« : 05.07.2007 15:28:29 »

The US financial astrology craze is an increasing trend in the UK market and could predict future trouble for investors using this approach warns, the investment funds analyst.   

Predicting the future performance in property prices, currencies and stock markets using planetary movements is now hugely popular in the US. says that increasingly potential UK investors are being targeted by websites through spam emails inviting them to invest using this unconventional method.

Bill Ross, managing director of said: “It is also worrying that there are now specialist fund managers, such as The Astrologers Fund, incorporating planetary movements within their standard calculations and this is in our view quite frankly dangerous for investors.”

According to, The British Association for the Advancement of Science used a professional investor, a financial astrologer and a five year old child to invest £5,000 on the FTSE100.  The child invested her shares randomly, the investor based his on experience and the astrologer based her decisions on the ‘birthdates’ of the companies. As a result, the child lost the least amount of money and the astrologer made the largest losses.

Harriet MacKenzie Williams, IFA at Shrewsbury-based PI Financial said: “More people are looking for alternative ways to gain health and wealth and may look to ancient methods such as alternative medicine and witchcraft, to find answers to the many questions that they can’t get answered elsewhere, there is no substitute for cold hard data when it comes to investing.”
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