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Kirjoittaja Aihe: kuNDalinii starts dancing??  (Luettu 3602 kertaa)
0 jäsentä ja 1 vieras katselee tätä aihetta.
Viestejä: 8258

« : 30.12.2023 15:47:32 »

"Baba [Swami Muktananda] had just begun delivering his discourse with his opening statement: 'Today's subject is meditation. The crux of the question is: What do we meditate upon?' Continuing his talk, Baba said: 'Kundalini [tarkemmin: kuNDalinii*] starts dancing when one repeats Om Namah Shivaya**.'Hearing this, I mentally repeated the mantra, I noticed that my breathing was getting heavier. Suddenly, I felt a great impact of a rising force within me. The intensity of this rising kundalini force was so tremendous that my body lifted up a little and fell flat into the aisle; my eyeglasses flew off. As I lay there with my eyes closed, I could see a continuous fountain of dazzling white lights erupting within me. In brilliance, these lights were brighter than the sun but possessed no heat at all. I was experiencing the thought-free state of "I am," realizing that "I" have always been, and will continue to be, eternal. I was fully conscious and completely aware while I was experiencing the pure "I am," a state of supreme bliss. Outwardly, at that precise moment, Baba shouted delightedly from his platform, "Mene kuch nahi kiya; kisiko shakti ne pakda" ("I didn't do anything. The Energy has caught someone"). Baba noticed that the dramatic awakening of kundalini in me frightened some people in the audience. Therefore, he said, 'Do not be frightened. Sometimes kundalini gets awakened in this way, depending upon a person's type.[14]

* N ja D ovat ns. retroflekseja äänteitä; jos siis haluat ääntää ne "vimpam päälle", taivuta kielen kärkeä
vähän taakseppäin.

** Tarkempi ääntämisohje, suomalaisittain: oom namash shivaaja (om, kunnia shivalle, tai jotain).

Sanskritissa lyhyt a-äänne on hieman redusoitunut, epämääräinen, ehkä "o-mainen"
Sivuja: [1]