Sivuja: [1]
Kirjoittaja Aihe: BG: guNain sublimaatio!  (Luettu 2734 kertaa)
0 jäsentä ja 1 vieras katselee tätä aihetta.
Viestejä: 8253

« : 08.11.2019 17:39:07 »

Tämä on taas sevverta kimurantti aihe, että ajattelimme alkaa raapustaa sen
tiimoilta jotain sekavaa vasta silloin, jos tämä otsikon perusteella saa täyttä kuuta edeltävän vkl:n
aikana edes 20 tshiigausta.

Tiiserinä voisimme mainita, että kerran jouduimme jenkkifuntsareiden yahoo-groupissa
nimeltä FairfieldLife huomauttamaan, notta tamas eli Pimeys on Shivaan olennaisesti
liittyvä guNa! Äkistään aatellen tuosta voisi tehdä sen johtopäätöksen että esim.
Kashmirin shaivistit ovat Pimeyden Ruhtinaan palvojia!


(Lisäys) Tämä taitaa olla liian kinkkinen aihe jopa meitsin laajemmin pähkäiltäväksi!   Wink

Parasta todeta vain että Radhakrishnan käyttää termiä sublimaatio kuvatessaan sitä
miten tamas eli tamo-guNa transformoituu Shivassa hyväntahtoiseksi transsendenttiseksi hiljaisuudeksi ja
käsittämättömän kouriintuntuvaksi ultimaattiseksi ei-dualistiseksi rauhaksi (shivaM* shaantam advaitam...caturtham - maaNDuukyopaniSat)!

* Rgvedassa shiva ei vielä ole erillinen jumaluus, vaan myrskyn jumaluus Rudrasta käytetty eufemistinen epiteetti:
hyväntahtoinen, tjsp!
« Viimeksi muokattu: 09.11.2019 11:14:26 kirjoittanut sideman » tallennettu
Viestejä: 8253

« Vastaus #1 : 09.11.2019 11:30:51 »

   rudra   mfn. (prob.) crying , howling , roaring , dreadful , terrific , terrible , horrible (applied to the As3vins , Agni , Indra , Mitra , Varun2a , and the %{spa4zaH}) RV. AV. (accord. to others `" red , shining , glittering "' , fr. a %{rud} or %{rudh} connected with %{rudhira} ; others `" strong , having or bestowing strength or power "' , fr. a %{rud} = %{vRd} , %{vRdh} ; native authorities give also the following meanings , `" driving away evil "' ; `" running about and roaring "' , fr. %{ru} + %{dra} = 2. %{dru} ; `" praiseworthy , to be praised "' ; `" a praiser , worshipper "' = %{stotR} Naigh. iii , 16) ; m. `" Roarer or Howler "'N. of the god of tempests and father and ruler of the Rudras and Maruts (in the Veda he is closely connected with Indra and still more with Agni , the god of fire , which , as a destroying agent , rages and crackles like the roaring storm , and also with Ka1la or Time the all-consumer , with whom he is afterwards identified ; though generally represented as a destroying deity , whose terrible shafts bring death or disease on men and cattle , he has also the epithet %{ziva} , `" benevolent "' or `" auspicious "' , and is even supposed to possess healing powers from his chasing away vapours and purifying the atmosphere ; in the later mythology the word %{ziva} , which does not occur as a %{name} in the Veda , was employed , first as an euphemistic epithet and then as a real name for Rudra , who lost his special connection with storms and developed into a form of the disintegrating and reintegrating principle ; while a new class of beings , described as eleven [or thirty-three] in number , though still called Rudras , took the place of the original Rudras or Maruts: in VP. i , 7 , Rudra is said to have sprung from Brahma1's forehead , and to have afterwards separated himself into a figure half male and half female , the former portion separating again into the 11 Rudras , hence these later Rudras are sometimes regarded as inferior manifestations of S3iva , and most of their names , which are variously given in the different Pura1n2as , are also names of S3iva [883,2] ; those of the Va1yuP. are Ajai9kapad , Ahir-budhnya , Hara , Nirr2ita , I1s3vara , Bhuvana , An3ga1raka , Ardha-ketu , Mr2ityu , Sarpa , Kapa1lin ; accord. to others the Rudras are represented as children of Kas3yapa and Surabhi or of Brahma1 and Surabhi or of Bhu1ta and Su-ru1pa1 ; accord. to VP. i , 8 , Rudra is one of the 8 forms of S3iva ; elsewhere he is reckoned among the Dik-pa1las as regent of the north-east quarter) RV. &c. &c. (cf. RTL. 75 &c.) ;
Sivuja: [1]