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Kirjoittaja Aihe: [enkku] CNN:n Candy ruvennu snadisti funtsimaan?  (Luettu 2644 kertaa)
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« : 10.12.2009 00:48:16 »

CNN's Candy Crowley talks about her new look
by James Rainey

The Los Angeles Times    Translate This Article
29 November 2009

On 29 November 2009 The Los Angeles Times reported: Award-winning political
journalist Candy Crowley discusses recent positive changes in her life.
Transcendental Meditation has been the most significantly transforming, she
says. It is a joy for Global Good News service to feature this news, which
indicates the success of the life-supporting programmes Maharishi has designed
to bring fulfilment to the field of health.

The Los Angeles Times reports that 'CNN's senior political correspondent' is
renowned for her 'career of sophisticated political observation, graceful
writing and determined fairness'. She is highly esteemed among her peers in the
news media.

The article reports that fans and colleagues noticed that Ms Crowley, 'one of
the top political reporters on television looks slimmer, healthier, even a
little more serene'.

'I feel great physically. I feel really good. I'm lighter now in a lot of ways,'
The Los Angeles Times quotes Ms Crowley as saying.

After the all-consuming 2008 presidential campaign, she adopted a new focus on
her health and well-being, including diet and exercise, the article reports.

'And, in a change she thinks has made the biggest difference, she has taken up
Transcendental Meditation,' The Los Angeles Times reports. 'A couple of times a
day, Crowley escapes her break-neck schedule to settle into what the TM website
describes as a ''natural state of restful alertness.'' '

'Operating in a world of furious motion, Crowley had the sense to seek out
stillness,' the article reports.

'Meditation has meant greater equanimity and health gains' for Ms Crowley, The
Los Angeles Times reports. These benefits 'have held together in a way they
haven't held together before,' the article quotes her as saying.

Global Good News comment:

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