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Kirjoittaja Aihe: Korona ja sooma  (Luettu 3341 kertaa)
0 jäsentä ja 1 vieras katselee tätä aihetta.
Viestejä: 8235

« : 26.03.2020 12:31:14 »

Koska sooma-niminen deevataa (jumaluus) lienee mm. terveyden ja pitkäikäisyyden edistäjä (tshiigaa "allekirjoitus"), voisi
olla hyvä idea - tai sitten ei - kuunnella "hartaasti" Rgvedan (rig-veedan) ysi-maNDalaa (ninth book),
joka on kokonaan omistettu soomalle*? Seuraavassa suuktat (hymnit) 1 - 5 melko mukiinmenevästi


Suuktain välissä kerrotaan kuka on RSi (rishi; esim. vaishvamitroo madhuchandaa [Madhu-chandas]), mikä on deevataa (esim. pavamaanas soomoo deevataa), ja mikä on chandas (runomitta, esim. gaajatrii tshandahaa)

(Huom! visarga-niminen äänne, jota esitetään H:lla, äännetään yleensä kaikuvokaalin kera, eli H:ta edeltävä vokaali tulee sen jälkeenkin,
esim. sutaH > sutahaa; RSiH > rishihii, jne.)

Ekan suuktan teksti:


svAdiShThayA madiShThayA pavasva soma dhArayA |
indrAya pAtave sutaH || 9\.001\.01
rakShohA vishvacharShaNirabhi yonimayohatam |
druNA sadhasthamAsadat || 9\.001\.02
varivodhAtamo bhava maMhiShTho vR^itrahantamaH |
parShi rAdho maghonAm || 9\.001\.03
abhyarSha mahAnAM devAnAM vItimandhasA |
abhi vAjamuta shravaH || 9\.001\.04
tvAmachChA charAmasi tadidarthaM divedive |
indo tve na AshasaH || 9\.001\.05
punAti te parisrutaM somaM sUryasya duhitA |
vAreNa shashvatA tanA || 9\.001\.06
tamImaNvIH samarya A gR^ibhNanti yoShaNo dasha |
svasAraH pArye divi || 9\.001\.07
tamIM hinvantyagruvo dhamanti bAkuraM dR^itim |
tridhAtu vAraNaM madhu || 9\.001\.08
abhImamaghnyA uta shrINanti dhenavaH shishum |
somamindrAya pAtave || 9\.001\.09
asyedindro madeShvA vishvA vR^itrANi jighnate |
shUro maghA cha maMhate || 9\.001\.10

Griffithin käännös:

1. In sweetest and most gladdening stream
flow pure, O Soma, on thy way,
Pressed out for Indra, for his drink.
2 Fiend-queller, Friend of all men, he hath with the wood attained unto
His place, his iron-fashioned home.
3 Be thou best Vṛtra-slayer, best granter of bliss, most liberal:
Promote our wealthy princes' gifts.
4 Flow onward with thy juice unto the banquet of the Mighty Gods:
Flow hither for our strength and fame.
5 O Indu, we draw nigh to thee, with this one object day by day:
To thee alone our prayers are said
6 By means of this eternal fleece may Sūrya's Daughter purify
Thy Soma that is foaming forth.
7 Ten sister maids of slender form seize him within the press and hold
Him firmly on the final day.
8 The virgins send him forth: they blow the the skin musician-like and fuse
The triple foe-repelling meath.
9 Inviolable milch-kine round about him blend for Indra's drink,
The fresh young Soma with their milk.
10 In the wild raptures of this draught, Indra slays all the Vṛtras: he,
The Hero, pours his wealth on us.

* suukta 5 (pañcamaM suuktam) näyttää olevan poikkeus: siinä ilmeisesti
jokaisella shlookalla (säkeistöllä) on oma deevataa?
« Viimeksi muokattu: 27.03.2020 11:53:45 kirjoittanut sideman » tallennettu
Viestejä: 8235

« Vastaus #1 : 26.03.2020 21:38:07 »

RSi kehottaa pavamaana (puhdistettu, puhtaana virtaava?) soomaa tekemään hänestä kuolemattoman:

(Indu on sooman epiteetti eli lisänimi; sooma voi merkitä myös Kuuta!)

7 O Pavarnana, place me in that deathless, undecaying world
Wherein the light of heaven is set, and everlasting lustre shines. Flow, Indu, flow for Indra's sake.
8 Make me immortal in that realm where dwells the King, Vivasvān's Son,
Where is the secret shrine of heaven, where are those waters young and fresh. Flow, Indu, flow for Indra's sake.
9 Make me immortal in that realm where they move even as they list,
In the third sphere of inmost heaven where lucid worlds are full of light. Flow, Indu, flow for Indra's sake.
10 Make me immortal in that realm of eager wish and strong desire,
The region of the radiant Moon, where food and full delight are found. Flow, Indu, flow for Indra's sake:
11 Make me immortal in that realm where happiness and transports, where
Joys and felicities combine, and longing wishes are fulfilled. Flow, Indu, flow for Indra's sake.

yatra jyotirajasraM yasmi.Nlloke svarhitam |
tasminmAM dhehi pavamAnAmR^ite loke akShita indrAyendo pari srava* || 9\.113\.07
yatra rAjA vaivasvato yatrAvarodhanaM divaH |
yatrAmUryahvatIrApastatra mAmamR^itaM kR^idhIndrAyendo pari srava || 9\.113\.08
yatrAnukAmaM charaNaM trinAke tridive divaH |
lokA yatra jyotiShmantastatra mAmamR^itaM kR^idhIndrAyendo pari srava || 9\.113\.09
yatra kAmA nikAmAshcha yatra bradhnasya viShTapam |
svadhA cha yatra tR^iptishcha tatra mAmamR^itaM kR^idhIndrAyendo pari srava || 9\.113\.10
yatrAnandAshcha modAshcha mudaH pramuda Asate |
kAmasya yatrAptAH kAmAstatra mAmamR^itaM kR^idhIndrAyendo pari srava || 9\.113\.11

* Flow, Indu, flow for Indra's sake.  indrAyendo (indraajeendoo) pari srava* < indraaya + indo (vokatiivi sanasta indu) pari srava
« Viimeksi muokattu: 26.03.2020 21:44:49 kirjoittanut sideman » tallennettu
Sivuja: [1]