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Kirjoittaja Aihe: Meditaatio ja oksidatiivinen stressi?  (Luettu 2540 kertaa)
0 jäsentä ja 1 vieras katselee tätä aihetta.
Viestejä: 8235

« : 16.04.2008 12:11:56 »

Jos oikein ymmärsin, alla olevan saksalaistutkimuksen abstraktin
mukaan meditaatio saattaa vähentää olennaisesti solujen härskiintymistä,
(oksidatiiivsta stressiä) jonka katsotaan olevan yksi useiden kroonisten sairauksien perussyistä. TM vähentäisi "härskiintymistä" 27%, muut meditaatiotekniikat 17%.

: J Altern Complement Med. 2008 Apr;14(3):241-50. Links
Differential effects of relaxation techniques on ultraweak photon emission.

Van Wijk EP, Lüdtke R, Van Wijk R.
International Institute of Biophysics, Neuss, Germany.

ABSTRACT Background: Evidence has accumulated favoring the possible
  role of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of many chronic diseases.
Meditation is utilized as an adjunct to conventional medical treatment
for several clinical conditions. A few studies suggest a role of long-term
meditation in the control of the free-radical metabolism. Many techniques
for recording reactive oxygen species (ROS) have been made available.
However, most are invasive and none are applicable to all conditions.
Attention has recently been drawn to spontaneous ultraweak photon
emission (UPE). However, the application of this method in meditation
studies is very limited. Objective: The present study recorded
spontaneous UPE at multiple anatomic locations of subjects with
long-term experience in transcendental meditation (TM) and
compared this with a group that practiced other meditation techniques
(OMT) and with subjects having no meditation experience.
Methods: The study examined the anatomic pattern of UPE of
20 subjects practicing TM, compared to 20 subjects practicing
OMT, and 20 control subjects with no experience in meditation.
Subjects were men who were reported to be healthy and
nonsmokers. Meditation was not practiced on the day prior to
recording. UPE was recorded in a dark room, using a highly sensitive,
cooled photomultiplier system designed for manipulation in three
directions. The protocol for the multisite registration of UPE
included recording 12 anatomic locations, including the anterior
torso, head, neck, and hands. Results: Data demonstrated emission
intensities in the TM and OMT groups that were 27% and 17% lower,
respectively, compared to the control group. The decrease was
recorded at all anatomic locations. The percent emission contribution
of each location to total emission was very similar for the three groups.
Conclusions: Data supported the hypothesis that persistent meditation
resulted in decreased UPE. However, the determination of oxidation
levels as the source of group differences needs to be verified further
to confirm our hypothesis.

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