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Kirjoittaja Aihe: MMY: Omaisuus (possessions) on ilon aihe!  (Luettu 2810 kertaa)
0 jäsentä ja 1 vieras katselee tätä aihetta.
Viestejä: 8226

« : 20.02.2018 11:09:02 »

---Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Aug. 1970, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA USA

Question: "I understand that in the third state of consciousness [waking] we are bound by the effects of our actions and our material possessions. My question is: do material possessions, material ownership, wealth, inhibit our...."

MAHARISHI: "Let me remark at this point, at this stage of your question: We are not bound by material possessions EVER. We are bound by the non-awareness of the Unbounded. As long as we are not aware of the Unbounded, we are bound by EVERYTHING.

(Hmmm... doesn't he contradict himself here? - sidis)

We are not bound by our material possessions. Material possessions don't bind us. What they do is liberate us from the pangs of unfulfilled desires. Our desire is to get this and this and this, and then if we don't get, we feel miserable. Whatever we have, that is a solace to us in that misery. Material possessions are not a means of bondage. If anything they are a source of solace in our weakness. They do not bind us. If anything, they are a source of solace, contentment, happiness, joy, peace.

Possessions will always be a means of joyfulness. It is the non-possessions that bind us in the craving to get them. Do you see the point? It is something that we don't possess, that non-possession binds us in the craving to possess it. Possessions are not a bondage. They are a means of joy, happiness.

What is bondage? Lack of awareness of the Unbounded. That means: ignorance, ignorance of our unbounded nature, ignorance that the Self within is unbounded, eternal, infinite, absolute, bliss. Lack of knowledge about this is ignorance, and this ignorance is a bondage to us. Material possessions are never a bondage. They are a means of happiness."

---Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Aug. 1970, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA USA

(Lisäys) MMY tuossa pistää ilmeisesti vähän mutkia suoriksi, koska erityisesti opiskelevalla nuorisolla tuohon aikaan oli kai sellainen romanttinen käsitys, että omaisuudesta luopuminen
on jotenkin erityisen hyveellistä, ja henkistä kehitystä kaikissa tapauksissa edistävää, tjsp?
« Viimeksi muokattu: 20.02.2018 12:18:21 kirjoittanut sideman » tallennettu
Viestejä: 8226

« Vastaus #1 : 20.02.2018 12:00:34 »

Tuo perustuu mitä ilmeisimmin hindujen arvolitaniaan (en ole varma järjestyksestä):

kaama, artha, dharma ja mokSa (mooksha)

kaama = halu (motivaatio tehdä jotain, esim. etsiä valaistumista?)

 Esim. kaama-suutra ("kamasutra") käsittelee "lähinnä" halua nssia, mutta toki monia muitakin jutskia!

artha = mm. omaisuus

Runsas Omaisuus mahdollistaa omistautumisen henkiselle kehitykselle ja
esim. vähäosaisten auttamisen?

dharma = hyveellisyys?

mokSa = vapautuminen (reinkarnaatiosta)
« Viimeksi muokattu: 20.02.2018 12:15:08 kirjoittanut sideman » tallennettu
Sivuja: [1]