Otsikko: God Consciousness, 6. tietoisuuden tila Kirjoitti: sideman - 11.07.2021 12:50:17 Don't read more: https://enjoytmnews.org/glorified-cosmic-consciousness-when-creation-glows-with-beauty-bliss-and-love/
God Consciousness, Glorified Cosmic Consciousness What more do you think there could be than being always awake to your true Self, and knowing it (i.e., yourself) to be infinite and blissful? Here is a clue: In Cosmic Consciousness, individuals have stabilized Transcendental Consciousness and always experience their true identity as Pure Consciousness. This remains essentially unchanged. “I” have changed (or rather, I have learned my true identity), but the world around, the relative sphere of people, trees, cars, clouds, birds, and everything else, remains the familiar world I’ve always known. In other words, one has gained the ability to perceive and experience the ultimate, Pure Consciousness, in oneself but not anywhere else. The richness and splendor of the subtler realms of nature and creation are perceived and enjoyed. An individual’s evolution from this stage onward involves increasing refinement of perception toward the ability to perceive Singularity or wholeness in the objects of perception as well as in oneself, to raise the objects of perception to the same infinite value as the subject. This is accomplished by elevating what we might call the “perceiving ability” of the Observer, through refining the process of observation. This is a very beautiful and rewarding phase of growth, in which the richness and splendor of the subtler realms of nature and creation begin to be perceived and enjoyed, and a sixth state of Consciousness unfolds. Otsikko: Vs: God Consciousness, 6. tietoisuuden tila Kirjoitti: Blomman - 30.08.2021 17:27:48 Mullehan taisi tulla ainakin esimakua tuollaisesta tässä viimeisen parin vuoden aikana. Tajusin sen jälkeenpäin kun ego oli hävinnyt olemattomiin ja näin asioiden oikean tilan koko niiden olemassaolon ajalta samanaikaisesti. Se oli syvällinen muutos asioiden kokemisessa. En enää kaivannut enkä murehtinut mitään senkään vertaa kuin aikaisemmin.
Otsikko: Vs: God Consciousness, 6. tietoisuuden tila Kirjoitti: sideman - 01.09.2021 08:18:18 Kannattaa pitää mielessä että objektiivisin kriteeri tietoisuuden tilasta ilman venkottimia, lähinnä kai EEG-laitteistoa,
näyttää olevan hengityksen intensiteetti ja sensellaiset (en nyt jaksa ryhtyä palauttamaan kappalejakoja, jotka Kindlestä copsaamalla poistuvat; boldaukset lisätty): (Stuiduna MMYn pääaine oli fyssa, joten luultavasti sivuaineena oli kemia...) Physiological Effects of Transcendental Meditation As the attention is drawn to consciously experience the subtler states of a thought during Transcendental Meditation, it is found that respiration becomes greatly reduced in amplitude: the breathing becomes soft and refined. Physiologically it is clear that for this to take place there must be a fall in the level of carbon dioxide in the plasma. This can occur only as a result of either forced over-breathing, which washes the carbon dioxide out through the lungs, or by a fall in the production of carbon dioxide through the metabolic process. Because there is no forced over-breathing during Transcendental Meditation, we can only conclude that the softening of the breath is due to the fall in the production of carbon dioxide by metabolic process. The production of most of the energy for activity in the body involves, basically, the oxidation of carbon and then its elimination as carbon dioxide. Greater activity needs greater energy, which is produced by a greater amount of oxidation of carbon, and its elimination as carbon dioxide. Lesser amount of activity needs lesser amount of energy, which is produced by lesser amount of oxidation of carbon and its elimination as carbon dioxide. This shows that when a lesser amount of carbon dioxide is eliminated by way of softer breathing during Transcendental Meditation, the process of oxidation is lessened, and this naturally produces a lesser amount of energy. That is why the activity of the body and that of the nervous system is lessened during Transcendental Meditation. This explains why, during Transcendental Meditation, as the mind proceeds to experience finer states of a thought, the whole body becomes calm and quiet. This quieting of the body naturally allows an unusual degree of rest, which itself stores energy to a considerable degree. It is certain that the activity of the mind and the nervous system is least in this state, and, thus, the mind becomes quiet and calm.68 In this quiet state the mind and the nervous system are alertly poised like the arrow drawn fully back upon the bow*; they are without activity, but the entire system is alert in stillness. At the same time, all the mechanisms of the body are acutely balanced and steady. It is this restful alertness of the nervous system that is its most healthy state and is the basis of all energy and action. This restful alertness of the nervous system is a state of suspension wherein the nervous system is neither active nor passive. This state of no-activity and no-passivity is the state of Being. This is how the nervous system is brought to the level of Being, and coming in tune with Being, the nervous system reaches a level of limitless energy and eternal existence of Being. It is like the whole tree coming in direct attunement with the field of its nourishment. The nervous system gains the most normal and healthy state. Here lies the key to good health. The fall in carbon dioxide output has also another effect—that of a tendency to change the reaction of the blood from acidity toward alkalinity. This, in its turn, has widespread effects upon the blood chemistry—all of which are beneficial to the system as a whole. These considerations lead us to the following: That the system of Transcendental Meditation is beneficial in the field of health two ways. It is both preventive and curative: (1) It is a means of preservation of mental and physical health. (2) It is a means of providing complete rest and relaxation to body and mind, which restores energy and greatly aids medical treatment toward a speedy recovery from ill-health. When we say “body,” we mean the entire nervous system and all the limbs that are said to be the end organs of the nervous system. The existence of the body depends upon the activity of the metabolic process. Activity belongs to the relative fields, whereas Being is of transcendental absolute nature. Maintenance of the body is dependent upon both subtle and gross fields of activity. If the body could be brought to a state where its activity stops, but the nervous system were not allowed to be passive, if it could be in a state where it was neither active nor passive, the activity of the body would then be on the level of Being. If the metabolic process could just remain still without rendering the body passive, it would place the activity of the body on the level of Being. When we talk of the level of Being, let us first see clearly what we mean. Being is the essential constituent of the individual. It is just there—everything—and its unmanifest state forms the basis of everything and every phenomenon. It is the basis of all mind and matter, the basis of the entire manifest creation. This state of Being is out of all relative existence; that is why it is called transcendental... Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Science of Being and Art of Living (pp. 161-163). MUM Press. Kindle Edition. (Lisäys) Enpä ole koskaan tullut tuota ajatelleeksi: MMY (12.1.1918) oli sideerinen :aurinko: :jousimies: , ja hänen gurunsa guru oli kai Svaamii Krishnaananda! :D * Bhagavad-giitaa'n sankari, Arjuna [ardsuna] eli Valkoinen, oli aikansa tunnetuin jousimiäs, muttei välttämättä :jousimies: ;D Otsikko: Vs: God Consciousness, 6. tietoisuuden tila Kirjoitti: Blomman - 04.09.2021 20:04:39 Sideman, puhut paljon meditaatiosta. Minä en harrasta sellaista enkä tiedä siitä juurikaan. Enkä usko että sitä tarvitseekaan tietää. Jos pystyn samaan muilla keinoin, niin miksi minun pitäisi tietää? Uskon että sillä pääsee pitkälle, kun kaikessa alkaa nähdä rakkauden ja totuuden, eli sen mistä asiat muodostuvat.
Otsikko: Vs: God Consciousness, 6. tietoisuuden tila Kirjoitti: sideman - 05.09.2021 10:50:44 Sideman, puhut paljon meditaatiosta. Olen jääräpää kiinteä skorppari... :coolsmiley: Helpoin ja tehokkain metodi lienee todellakin iishvara-praNidhaana eli (Aurinkokuntamme?) Herran tahtoon mukautuminen, vai mitenkä tuon nyt suomentaisi. Ei sovi kuitenkaan meikäaspergerille. Sopii hyvin kenties esim. tunteellisille Ravuille? Voipi olla joillekin oikotie jopa kutoseen eli God Consciousnessiin*?? Eli voi "jättää välistä" joskus hankalan vitosen, siis Kosmisen tietoisuuden, joka ajoittain voi olla vähän kuin olisi Ei-kenenkään maalla? (Lisäys) Tokihan :skorpioni: -tkin tunteellisia kai ovat mutta niiden fokus lienee voittopuolisesti navan alapuolella, muulaadhaaran ja svaadhiSThaanan "kantturoilla"? :) * Muistaakseni jossakin yhteydessä MMY kutsui tuota termillä Refined Cosmic Consciousness, jolloin koko ympäristö ja kaikki aistihavainnot saavat Taivaallisen Sädekehän (oma ilmaus). Otsikko: Vs: God Consciousness, 6. tietoisuuden tila Kirjoitti: Blomman - 15.09.2021 20:29:14 Olen kaksonen, mutta minulla on kovan luokan stellium joka tuo minulle kaiken maailman oinas- ja skorpinimaisia piirteitä.
Tuo kirja joka tässä tuli esille, on todella hyvä. (Dr. Tony Nader: One unbouded ocean of consciousness). Se toi minulle eläväksi itämaisten munkkien ajatustapaa. On hieno näkökulma, että tietoisuus on ainoa todellinen asia ja että kaikessa on kyse siitä että tietoisuus havaitsee itseään. Tietoisuus on tietoinen ja se havaisemisen kohdekin on osa tietoisuutta. On kiva alkaa ymmärtää tätä. |