Astro Foorumi

Muita keskusteluaiheita => Kirja- ja linkkivinkit => Aiheen aloitti: Arkiviisu - 27.06.2007 17:27:37

Otsikko: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Arkiviisu - 27.06.2007 17:27:37
Diana Cooperin sivut (
josta löytyy myös Atlantis sivut.... (

Linkki ~Angels and Ascension  sivulle jossa voit nostaa eli klikata itsellesi Enkelikortin... :angel:

Itse sain kortin ~FORGIVENESS...  :smitten:


Angel wisdom reminds you that challenging people and situations are sent to you as your most important teachers. Without them your soul would not grow.

Your guidance is to let go of the hurt, resentment and anger of the past.

When you forgive others and yourself your karma is rubbed out of your soul records. You will enjoy love in your heart and lightness of spirit.

Ask the angels to help you dissolve your hurt, anger and guilt. They will take your burdens from you.

When you love unconditionally there is nothing to forgive. Love is for giving so open your heart and give love.

Affirmation: I forgive myself and others - I am free.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: taiska - 27.06.2007 20:57:31


Faith is such a powerful quality that it moves mountains.

Angel wisdom reminds you however not to have blind faith in people or situations.

Use common sense and discernment and never give your power to another. Instead put your faith in yourself and the higher powers.

Pray with integrity from your still, wise centre and know that your request will be granted. Act as if it has already manifest. That is faith.

Your angel guidance is to increase your faith in the Infinite.

Affirmation: I have faith in the support of the Universe.

 :smitten:  :smitten:  :angel:

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Sissis - 28.06.2007 09:21:41

Joy springs from a sense of connection to the Divine and is a quality which illuminates you.

Your angel guidance is to cultivate this quality by seeking the Divine in every situation.

Look beyond the surface and seek the light in the heart of each person.

Then you will become aware of the wonder of creation and joy will ignite your life.

Delight in everything for joy is a key to enlightenment.

Enjoy life.  Affirmation: I find joy in everything.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Arkiviisu - 28.06.2007 10:18:43
Olen niin tylsimys, tylsimys, että että se pitää itsekin myöntää, mutta laitan tämän viestin kuitenkin tulemaan.

Olemme jokainen niin vanhoja sieluja, että olemme jokainen olleet jotain: ihmisiä, eläimiä, kasveja, puita jne. entisissä elämissä. Myös enkeleitä joissain elämässä. Näillä enekelikorttien nostamiselle ei ole ainakaan minulle mitään merkitystä. Mitä mieltä olette?

.....  hmmm. minulle näillä kuin monilla muillakin korteilla, viesteillä - jopa testeillä( vaikka hiukan pilke silmäkulmassa tehtynä ) on Se ja TÄMÄ merkitys   ~ainakin näissä hetkissä ~ ETTÄ ne muistuttavat jostain - nostavat näkyville jotain - jonkin asian, "sanan" energian , asenteen, kokemuksen - what ever - vaan kiinnittävät huomioni johonkin ......  jota sitten katseln kuulosten tunnistelen..... vaikka nyt sana JOY - mikä sen ihanampaa kuin kuulostella sanaa JOY - kaikkea sitä mitä se pitää sisällään - tuo mukanaan , tarjoilee näkyville - antaen vaihtoehdon tai toisen näkökulman - mahdollisesti - johonkin sillä hetkellä kokemaani ...

Itse koen että sanat eivät ole vain sanoja - vaan niiden sisällä, mukana , takana on energiaa - jonka kautta voin tahtoessani liittyä " siihen esm ILon lähteeseen - Ilon enekeleihin - nämä nyt mainitakseni...

Siis eivät ole minulle ennustuksia - nämä kortit - tai jotain " kuin roolivaate" jonka sitten " puen ylläni" ..... minulla on vapaa tahto JA sitä myös käytän - näissäkin .....

 Enemmänkin NÄMÄ kortit ja tekstit - liittävät itseäni hetkeksi - vaikka yhdeksi nanoselunniksi johonkin vaikka Universaaliin yhteyteen - joka varmasti on läsnä koko ajan ja kaikessa - vaan siinä hetkessä näissä korteissa - näissä viesteissä näissä teksteissä - jotain tulee näkyväksi - ei niin että ne sanat " ikäänkuin alkaisivat elämään omaa elämäänsä " vaan ovat juuri osa minua - ja kyllä...

Valos juuri kuten sanoit olemme olleet ja olemme " vaikka mitä " - ja sehän meissä resonoi - eli tavallaan vetää puoleensa - on kuitenkin eri asia olla ihmisenä ja muistaa - ja kokea - tällä kertaa .... että minä " ainakin saan ihania pieniä konkreettisia taivaskeitaita näiden korttien myötä" .... ja

Josjakun tulee hetki ettei " ne pelitä " niin sitten ne unohtuu - ihan omia aikojaan - mitään kun ei ole pakko - ja jokainen luokoon omaa elämäänsä niinkuin hyväksi kokee - ja juuri nyt nämä sanat merkitsevät itselleni jotain erityistä - ja sou...

Ja kaikkein olennaisin ainakin itselleni on etten tästäkään aio tehdä " sen suurempaa numeroa" .... että alkaisin pohtimaan että onks tää sitä vai tätä - että olenko jotain vanhaa jotain uutta jotain lainattua vai jotain sinistä" -  itselleni ei sillä enää yhtäkkiä ole mitään merkitystä että olenko vanha vai nuori sielu - enkeli vai tähti-ihminen - vai mikä - MINÄ vain OLEN - ja nautin .....

JA  koen ja elän  - välillä kauempaa katsellen  - kokonaisuuksia .... :-*

( (
 ja toisinaan  - ihan lähietäisyydellä - koskettaen - yksityiskohtia tutkien .....
( ( ... ja molemmat nämä ovat samanaikaisesti olemuksessani - sisimmässäni - moniuloitteisuus - moninaisuus - yhtä onnellisena täällä sieluna ihmisenänä ollessani......  - NYT juuri tämä on  SE ELÄVÄ HETKI jossa olen totta ....... kuin " kotona tähdissä - tai muissa ulottuvuuksissa - tasoissa - olomuodoissa".....

Totta itselleni on se että NIIN ylhäällä KUIN täällä alhaalla - ja mikrokosmoksessa kuin makrokosmoksessakin ... tässä ja nyt on kuitenkin läsnä kaikki ..... ja vapaa tahtoni voi joko yhdistää tai eroittaa ....  :-*  :angel: 

rakkaudella kirjoitti aaviisuinen  kiitos VALOS sainpa uskomattomian hienoja oivalluksia tätä kirjoittaessani.... :-*  :angel:  ... :smitten: (

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Arkiviisu - 29.06.2007 07:42:59
Hei Arkiviisu! (mukava nimimerkki sinulla)

Olet oikeassa, että ihmiset tarvitsevat kaiken sen avun, jonka pystyvät vain saamaan. Olkoon se vaikka nämä Diana Cooperin enkelikortit tai muuta. Itselleni niillä ei ole merkitystä, mutta jokaisella on oma kokemuksensa henkimaailman kanssa. Siis tämä on henkilökohtainen kommentti, joka ei kumoa muiden kokemusta.

Kiitos Valos :smitten:

täällä taustaa tuolle nimmarille
.... mukava on sinunkin nimimerkki - monimuotoinen , valo- valosi
( anna valos loistaa  ;) ) , valos - valutyö niinkuin vedos mutta valos  :D , ja vamos ... ja lopulta jotain kreikkalaista kuin samos tai Iasos ..... 
( (
.... ja viestiisi vastaan että  :-*  :angel:

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Arkiviisu - 29.06.2007 07:51:35
29.6.2007 Surrender ~ANTAUDU-ANTAUTUA  

Whatever you resist in life persists. Ask your angels to help you dissolve all the resistances of your ego, the inner conflict and struggle, rigid mind sets and habits, so that they can flood your life with higher truth and joy.

When you surrender to the guidance of your Higher Self, all the energy you have been using in resistance becomes available to you. Vitality, inner peace, harmony and most of all love are your spiritual rewards.

So flow with the pace of life. Relax and tune in. Then follow the guidance of your intuition knowing that the angels will support you at all times.

Affirmation: I surrender to the flow of life. (

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Cheva - 30.06.2007 19:46:21
It is time for your life to flow with prosperity, love and success.

You draw from the limitless Universal pool according to your belief in how much you deserve. Angel wisdom is reminding you now to believe in yourself and raise your level of deservingness. Then you will attract abundance and the true riches of life.
To feel surrounded by love open your heart to others.
Choose to do what fulfils you most and the angels will bring you joy, satisfaction and success.
Enhance your prosperity by receiving graciously, giving out willingly and saying thank-you for everything. Enjoy all you have and more will come to you.

Affirmation: I deserve love, prosperity and success

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Atomi - 02.07.2007 20:17:10

A still clear mind sees everything from a wider perspective and enables you to pinpoint your vision.

Allow your true wisdom to come forward and dissolve the chatter of your mind.

Know that your business angel has drawn this to your attention in order to help you, for a clear mind is sharp as a diamond.

Take some time to find the stillness within. Then you can clarify the issues in your life and take the right decisions for the highest good.

As you become clear about your business and personal life you will see things differently. You will be able to make decisions from strength and find a new way of being.

Affirmation: My clear, calm mind perfects my judgement.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Artemis - 13.07.2007 17:51:56
Archangel Gabriel 

You are blessed to receive this archangel card and your guidance is to invoke Archangel Gabriel who works on the white ray, for grace and purification.

It is time to release old memories, stuck habits and mental patterns which lower your vibrations. Archangel Gabriel will bring order and discipline into your life so that everything runs smoothly.

You can also call on him to bring you clarity and joy.

You are reminded that you are a beautiful, light and wise spirit and only the material mantel disguises your true self. Let your pure spirit emerge and fly.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: taiska - 13.07.2007 18:19:55


The angels remind you that every situation or person is placed on your path with a purpose.

It may be to strengthen you, offer you an opportunity to resolve or forgive the past, release old patterns, or for enjoyment.

Your life purpose is ultimately to do that which brings you joy, satisfaction and fulfilment. Seeking these soul qualities will place you on the path of your destiny. Once on your life path, allow nothing and no one to deflect you from your mission.

Your guidance is to ask your angel to help you find the purpose of your current situation or, if you are ready, your life mission.

Align your strength and willpower and hold your intention to fulfil your purpose. The angels will support you and you will succeed.

Affirmation: I am strong and determined.

 :smitten:  :angel:  :smitten:

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Minerwa - 13.07.2007 18:32:18
It is time for you to look for the joy, the delight and wonder of every day and rejoice in it.

When we celebrate the passing events and transitions of life it is our way of giving thanks and the angels delight with us.

Whenever possible celebrate with others for then great energy is raised which attracts many angels drawn by the laughter and lightness to add their blessings. It will bond you happily with others. Angel wisdom reminds you to celebrate and honour all things large or small in your life.

Find something to celebrate now.

Affirmation: My life is a celebration.
Jaan tämän juhlan teidän kanssanne  :smitten:

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: helen - 28.07.2007 14:17:11

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: keijulapsi - 28.07.2007 14:52:20

Only the brave and open hearted dare to allow themselves to be vulnerable for it requires courage to take down all walls and expose your humanness.

Your angel guidance is to become aware of your defence mechanisms which keep you separate from others and the Divine.

Ask your angels to help you dissolve your masks and barriers so that your fragile, true self can emerge like a butterfly from its cocoon.

The reward is freedom, love and a sense of inner safety. So dare to be vulnerable and open.

Affirmation: Vulnerability is my strength

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Tibetan - 06.09.2007 00:34:54

Light illuminates darkness and gloom, bringing hope and inspiration.

Ask the angels to fill you with more light for it contains spiritual information and knowledge.

These are keys to the Universe and bring love and peace as well as unlocking the wisdom within you.

As your light becomes stronger and clearer you will find clarity and purpose.

You will radiate brightly and become a beacon, reminding others of the Divine help available.

Angel wisdom suggests you ask the angels to ignite and strengthen the Divine flame within you.

Affirmation: I am a light.

Otsikko: Vs: Atlantis
Kirjoitti: Tibetan - 06.09.2007 00:40:50
(  Telepathy

In Golden Atlantis, people spoke very little because they had strong telepathic skills and could communicate clearly over long distances. Because they could readily read each other’s minds, they kept their thoughts pure and constructive and only transmitted positive messages or images. The teacher-priests taught the children telepathically and crystals were programmed by thoughts that were projected into them.
Pure communication

Notice how telepathically receptive you are. Your guidance is to clear your mind and become receptive to the messages of your guides and angels, as well as to the thoughts of other people. Someone is trying to transmit something important to you. You are also called on to project telepathic messages of hope, love and inspiration to others.

Clear your mind to transmit and receive messages.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: rhodonite - 06.09.2007 11:43:07
donniih... kokeillaan korttia... ;)

Acceptance means unconditional love. The angels remind you to accept everyone exactly as they are, without judging, blaming or wanting to change them.

When you are totally accepting you bear no malice or enmity towards anyone or anything.

Harmlessness through acceptance is a high state of being and this is a difficult quality for humans to embrace for it is a divine quality. Nevertheless the angels are drawing it to your attention now. You are also asked to accept yourself. When you truly do so, you feel centred and confident and your divine self is revealed.

Affirmation: I accept myself and others.

 :-[ ainaha mää hyväksyn kaiken, paitti tuo naapuri, ja sitten sisko on kyllä ihan mahoton ja jne.  :)

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Atomi - 06.09.2007 15:47:05
Archangel Zadkiel 

Archangel Zadkiel will help you to find tolerance and forgiveness.
He works on the violet ray of purification and transmutation. Its purpose is to help you to release lower vibrations and ascend to a higher way of being.
Angel wisdom suggests that you visualise yourself in the violet flame and invoke Archangel Zadkiel to help you.
Place your troubles and difficult relationships within the flame so that all negativity is transmuted.
You are blessed to have drawn this card today for it indicates that you are ready to walk the path of light.

Affirmation: I am cleansed within the violet flame.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Nina - 13.09.2007 12:33:05
Archangel Michael 

When you are blessed with this angel card you are guided to invoke Archangel Michael to help protect and strengthen you.

He will increase your ability to deal with problems, so ask him to cut with his sword any emotional cords which bind you to people, stuck situations or past memories and then to fill you with strength and love.

He will shield you from the destructive thoughts, emotions and actions of others.

Call for his help and visualise yourself wearing a deep blue cloak, securely fastened. This will place you under his protection.

He is the master of all angels, a great warrior spirit. Within his Light you will feel more secure, have more confidence, energy and power.

Affirmation: I am strong and protected by Archangel Michael.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Dimma - 13.09.2007 13:55:02

Life is a series of cycles and a time of rebirth is indicated for you.

This may mean a new phase in a relationship, the germination of a fresh idea or the development of qualities in you like laughter, light or hope. It may herald a total change.

Do not be afraid to let go of the familiar for the new cannot enter until the old and outworn has departed.

Your angel guidance is to accept the new for it will be welcome when it arrives.

Birth is a vulnerable time. The fragile life force needs to be protected and nurtured within you. Ask the angels to guide the new beginnings in your life safely to maturity.

Affirmation: I welcome and nurture the new in my life.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: ajatuskatko - 13.09.2007 23:51:23



 Trust the higher forces of life to know what is best for you and remember that when you are asked to wait you are being prepared for something even better than you expected.

So change your attitude to one of acceptance. Relax and take stock.

Ask your angel to enfold you during this waiting period so that you can listen to the promptings of the Divine.

Do not rush off on some wild goose-chase of your lower will.

When the time is right and you are ready and refreshed, the next door will open.

Patience is always rewarded.

Affirmation: All things happen at the perfect time.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Arkiviisu - 14.09.2007 07:30:26


It is time for your life to flow with prosperity, love and success.

You draw from the limitless Universal pool according to your belief in how much you deserve. Angel wisdom is reminding you now to believe in yourself and raise your level of deservingness. Then you will attract abundance and the true riches of life.

To feel surrounded by love open your heart to others.

Choose to do what fulfils you most and the angels will bring you joy, satisfaction and success.

Enhance your prosperity by receiving graciously, giving out willingly and saying thank-you for everything. Enjoy all you have and more will come to you.

Affirmation: I deserve love, prosperity and success.

Linkki ~Angels and Ascension  sivulle jossa voit nostaa eli klikata itsellesi Enkelikortin... :angel:

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Ippuska - 14.09.2007 10:22:04

According to Universal Law you can have anything your heart desires.

However if your happiness, sense of security or feeling of power depends on someone or something in your life, then you are attached to it. It is a chain which binds you to a lower frequency and keeps you stuck.

Your guidance is to ask the angels to help you cut the cords that tie you to people, things and emotions.

When all attachments are released you can no longer be manipulated emotionally. This enables you to reclaim your power and be genuine.

Free your spirit and that of others. Let go now.

I release everyone and everything. My spirit is free.


Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Lunerica - 14.09.2007 11:23:17
Archangel Gabriel 
You are blessed to receive this archangel card and your guidance is to invoke Archangel Gabriel who works on the white ray, for grace and purification.

It is time to release old memories, stuck habits and mental patterns which lower your vibrations. Archangel Gabriel will bring order and discipline into your life so that everything runs smoothly.

You can also call on him to bring you clarity and joy.

You are reminded that you are a beautiful, light and wise spirit and only the material mantel disguises your true self. Let your pure spirit emerge and fly.

Affirmation: I am pure and light.

 :smitten: :angel: :smitten:

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Tibetan - 14.09.2007 11:42:38
Minäkin sain tuon Gabrielin tänään  :angel:

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: ajatuskatko - 14.09.2007 12:55:02
                                    Self worth 


Self worth bestows a sense of confidence and expectation of success.

Decide on clear boundaries and limits and firmly decline to let others step over them or manipulate you. You will earn respect.

When you value yourself you become open and friendly, slow to take offence and quick to forgive. Remind yourself that you are likeable and loveable. Do not let others press your buttons. Stand tall and confident.

With true self worth you radiate a golden aura which enfolds others and makes them feel good too. Ask your angel to step into your aura and guide you.

Affirmation: I am confident and worthwhile.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: astroilija - 15.09.2007 16:53:48

kuten myös:  Self worth

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Artemis - 15.09.2007 18:46:35


Your angel guidance is to find quiet space for contemplation and look within. It is time to withdraw and review your life.

Taking time and space for yourself gives you an opportunity to recuperate from life’s challenges, to reflect on the way ahead, strengthen yourself and prepare for the next phase of your life.

During times of introspection you can become aware of your gifts, your inner reserve and your wisdom. It is a time for healing.

Still your mind and quieten your emotions. Ask for your angel’s wings to enfold you and provide you with a safe haven in which to relax.

Then you can listen to the promptings of your angel inspiring and guiding you.

Affirmation: I claim time and space for myself.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi Atlantiskortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Tibetan - 15.09.2007 19:09:59
Atlantiskorteista sain seuraavan:


Dolphins came to Earth from Sirius to teach humans. They are Wise Ones who also maintain the vibration of the oceans. In Atlantis, they telepathically imparted guidance, technological knowledge and wisdom as they swam with people. They still do this, at the same time offering us healing and joy and helping to reconnect us to our soul energy. After the fall, the mighty angels of Atlantis took dolphin bodies and became the Angel Dolphins. They seek people who are pure and dedicated enough to work with them now.

Wisdom and Joy

This card suggests that you live lightly and wisely, bringing joy, fun and laughter into your life. You are also guided to develop your healing abilities, serving your fellow humans and the planet.

Serve with wisdom and joy.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: astroilija - 16.09.2007 11:02:24
Archangel Zadkiel 

 Archangel Zadkiel will help you to find tolerance and forgiveness.
He works on the violet ray of purification and transmutation. Its purpose is to help you to release lower vibrations and ascend to a higher way of being.
Angel wisdom suggests that you visualise yourself in the violet flame and invoke Archangel Zadkiel to help you.Place your troubles and difficult relationships within the flame so that all negativity is transmuted.You are blessed to have drawn this card today for it indicates that you are ready to walk the path of light.

Affirmation: I am cleansed within the violet flame.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Arkiviisu - 16.09.2007 11:27:57
 Hmm. kun katson edellisen "kortin" Abundance  :D  14.9) niin tämähän sopii jatkoksi suorastaan messevästi -  kuin myös siihen mitä tuolla toisaalla (kuunkierto-topicilla) kirjoitin Elektralle . että jo pidemmän ajan tuntemuksiin SIITÄ - mikä saa oloni eläväksi ja toivoa ja innostusta täynnä olevaksi - koska näin on AINASKIN itselläni ETTÄ jollei ole kiinnostusta niin e  ole  energiaakaan ( - ja kun puuttuu elämänilo ja elämisenilo ja elämästä ilo~ilo elämisestä ~elävänä olemisesta NIIN silloin puuttukin jo SE oleellinen  - E L Ä M Ä N  I L O  - E L Ä M I S E N  I LO  .... (


Life is a series of cycles and a time of rebirth is indicated for you. ... JOTENSAKIN NÄIN TÄMÄ  kuulostaa nyt kolahtavan ~ ainaskin itseeni .... :-*

This may mean a new phase in a relationship, the germination of a fresh idea or the development of qualities in you like laughter, light or hope. It may herald a total change.

Do not be afraid to let go of the familiar for the new cannot enter until the old and outworn has departed.

Your angel guidance is to accept the new for it will be welcome when it arrives.

Birth is a vulnerable time. The fragile life force needs to be protected and nurtured within you. Ask the angels to guide the new beginnings in your life safely to maturity.

Affirmation: I welcome and nurture the new in my life.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: astroilija - 17.09.2007 16:56:44

Your angel guidance is to examine yourself and your current situation in depth so that you have a clear awareness of the underlying reasons for your challenges and situations.Acquaint yourself with facts about situations and attitudes before you take decisions.Self awareness is a necessary foundation on which to build strong relationships, friendships and work.Understanding your personality is a basis for understanding your spiritual self and your mission on earth.Ask your angel to help you.

Affirmation: I seek an understanding of myself and my life.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Tibetan - 18.09.2007 00:54:41
Tiistaille oli tarjolla voimaa
It is only when you feel totally calm that you are powerful for no one can upset or influence you. Your business angel guides you to centre yourself, then master any anger or negative feelings, so that you can rely on your own judgement and take your own decisions.

It is important to take responsibility for your life and this serves your personal growth and enables you to be strong.

True power is based on inner strength, self worth and integrity. A person who feels powerful supports and empowers others.

Be powerful today.

Affirmation: I am calm, centred and powerful.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Ippuska - 18.09.2007 00:57:50
Archangel Raphael

You are blessed to attract this angel card for Archangel Raphael brings health, healing and abundance. He will help you to develop your intuition and inner vision. Call on him if you need help in these areas now.

He also protects travellers during journeys so this is a fortuitous card if you are about to travel.

If you are a healer or wish to be one, Archangel Raphael will direct pure divine energy to you.

He works on the green ray of healing and balance so visualise yourself surrounded by a clear green light and invoke his guidance.

Affirmation: I am happy, healthy and abundant.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: taiska - 18.09.2007 08:15:02
Self worth 


Self worth bestows a sense of confidence and expectation of success.

Decide on clear boundaries and limits and firmly decline to let others step over them or manipulate you. You will earn respect.

When you value yourself you become open and friendly, slow to take offence and quick to forgive. Remind yourself that you are likeable and loveable. Do not let others press your buttons. Stand tall and confident.

With true self worth you radiate a golden aura which enfolds others and makes them feel good too. Ask your angel to step into your aura and guide you.

Affirmation: I am confident and worthwhile.

 :smitten:  :angel:  :smitten:

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Lunerica - 18.09.2007 09:26:01
Tätä irtipäästämistä "pukkaa" nyt joka "tuutista"...  ::)

According to Universal Law you can have anything your heart desires.

However if your happiness, sense of security or feeling of power depends on someone or something in your life, then you are attached to it. It is a chain which binds you to a lower frequency and keeps you stuck.

Your guidance is to ask the angels to help you cut the cords that tie you to people, things and emotions.

When all attachments are released you can no longer be manipulated emotionally. This enables you to reclaim your power and be genuine.

Free your spirit and that of others. Let go now.

Affirmation: I release everyone and everything. My spirit is free.

On kyllä viisaita nuo enkulit.  :angel: :smitten:
Miten näkevätkin/tietävätkin kaiken...  :P

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Tibetan - 20.09.2007 12:29:08
Ihmeellistä!  :angel:

Klikkasin tuolla "Haluatko viestin enkeliltä" niin viestiksi tuli Positiivisuus

Tulin kuitenkin vielä nostamaan enkelikorttia...


When you are positive you keep directing a stream of high vibration energy with your thoughts, words and actions.

This affects others and they help you towards your purpose.

The angels are aware of the power of your positivity and they too will support your intentions. You choose your thoughts and attitudes, so focus on loving, abundant and successful outcomes in every area of your life.

Your positivity will make you feel happy, healthy and fulfilled.

Affirmation: I am positive and strong.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: astroilija - 21.09.2007 15:24:44


Light illuminates darkness and gloom, bringing hope and inspiration. Ask the angels to fill you with more light for it contains spiritual information and knowledge. These are keys to the Universe and bring love and peace as well as unlocking the wisdom within you. As your light becomes stronger and clearer you will find clarity and purpose. You will radiate brightly and become a beacon, reminding others of the Divine help available. Angel wisdom suggests you ask the angels to ignite and strengthen the Divine flame within you.

Affirmation: I am a light.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Tibetan - 22.09.2007 01:44:24

See life through the curious eyes of a child and you will discover a never ending source of happiness and excitement.

Curiosity keeps you alive, interested and interesting.

The angels are inviting you to be curious about yourself. Start exploring who you are and you will grow personally and spiritually.

Be interested in people and you will discover an eternal source of fascination.

Be curious about the wonderful Universe in which you live, about the angels themselves and their role in the divine plan.

The radiance of your delight in life will illuminate you.

Affirmation: I explore the wonder of life.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: astroilija - 22.09.2007 14:17:07
Archangel Zadkiel

Archangel Zadkiel will help you to find tolerance and forgiveness.He works on the violet ray of purification and transmutation. Its purpose is to help you to release lower vibrations and ascend to a higher way of being.Angel wisdom suggests that you visualise yourself in the violet flame and invoke Archangel Zadkiel to help you.Place your troubles and difficult relationships within the flame so that all negativity is transmuted.You are blessed to have drawn this card today for it indicates that you are ready to walk the path of light.

Affirmation: I am cleansed within the violet flame.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: astroilija - 23.09.2007 19:43:38


It is time for your life to flow with prosperity, love and success.You draw from the limitless Universal pool according to your belief in how much you deserve. Angel wisdom is reminding you now to believe in yourself and raise your level of deservingness. Then you will attract abundance and the true riches of life.To feel surrounded by love open your heart to others.Choose to do what fulfils you most and the angels will bring you joy, satisfaction and success.Enhance your prosperity by receiving graciously, giving out willingly and saying thank-you for everything. Enjoy all you have and more will come to you.

Affirmation: I deserve love, prosperity and success.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: astroilija - 28.09.2007 00:24:23
                        Archangel Raphael

You are blessed to attract this angel card for Archangel Raphael brings health, healing and abundance. He will help you to develop your intuition and inner vision. Call on him if you need help in these areas now.He also protects travellers during journeys so this is a fortuitous card if you are about to travel.If you are a healer or wish to be one, Archangel Raphael will direct pure divine energy to you. He works on the green ray of healing and balance so visualise yourself surrounded by a clear green light and invoke his guidance.

Affirmation: I am happy, healthy and abundant.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Tibetan - 28.09.2007 01:23:23

Your guidance is to count your blessings. When you say thank-you to the Universe for its gifts, it responds generously to you.

Angel wisdom reminds you to say thank-you for all that you have, the intangible as well as the tangible.

Whenever you say thank-you from your heart more is bestowed on you for gratitude is a key to opening the doors to universal abundance.

Cultivate an attitude of gratitude and open yourself to receive love and plenty into your life. Your angels will smile on you.

Affirmation: I am grateful for everything in my life.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Ippuska - 28.09.2007 09:11:53


Angel wisdom suggests that you use your skills and talents for the common good.

Eliminate power struggles, conflict and competition which comes from an ego desire to win. Co-operation for the highest good promotes harmony and togetherness and draws the best from everyone.

Make it your aim that everyone has a sense of satisfaction from work done. Then you become a spreader of goodwill and harmony.

Your angel guidance is to bring people together and explore how you can mutually assist each other. Your attitude of sharing will ensure that you benefit in your turn for the angels will bless your endeavours.

Affirmation: I co-operate with everyone.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: astroilija - 30.09.2007 11:10:50
Archangel Raphael

You are blessed to attract this angel card for Archangel Raphael brings health, healing and abundance. He will help you to develop your intuition and inner vision. Call on him if you need help in these areas now. He also protects travellers during journeys so this is a fortuitous card if you are about to travel. If you are a healer or wish to be one, Archangel Raphael will direct pure divine energy to you. He works on the green ray of healing and balance so visualise yourself surrounded by a clear green light and invoke his guidance.

Affirmation: I am happy, healthy and abundant.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: meruska - 30.09.2007 19:02:38


There is no such thing as chance in life or business.

Coincidences and synchronicities are orchestrated by the universe for the highest purpose and have meaning.

When you are aware of them recognise their importance and consider their meaning in the context of your situation.

Know that the Higher Power is drawing something to your attention and use your wisdom to move forward appropriately.

Affirmation: I watch for synchronicities.

Luin juuri Diana Cooperin kolmen kirjan sarjan Henkinen seikkailu. Oli loistava kokonaisuus! Ajatuksia herättelevä ja ymmärrystä lisäävä. Suosittelen kaikille!

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: astroilija - 01.10.2007 10:23:36


To develop the quality of mercy forgive yourself and everyone around you. Be magnanimous, see the good in others and give them the benefit of the doubt.
Open up to compassion but most of all access the wisdom within that recognises the divine in every creature.When you temper your attitude to others with mercy you offer them grace.You spread much light, joy and freedom and empower others to find the good in themselves. Choosing this card may mean that the angels of mercy are offering you release from your pain or difficulties. Accept it graciously.

Affirmation: I am merciful.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Tibetan - 01.10.2007 23:26:48 (


Only the brave and open hearted dare to allow themselves to be vulnerable for it requires courage to take down all walls and expose your humanness.

Your angel guidance is to become aware of your defence mechanisms which keep you separate from others and the Divine.

Ask your angels to help you dissolve your masks and barriers so that your fragile, true self can emerge like a butterfly from its cocoon.

The reward is freedom, love and a sense of inner safety. So dare to be vulnerable and open.

Affirmation: Vulnerability is my strength.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Lunerica - 03.10.2007 17:40:16

Life is an adventure. Be ready for the unexpected and make the most of all opportunities. The angel wisdom suggests you get out of any stuck habits or ruts. Do things that are different and face life with a sense of wonder.

If the path ahead seems dark, do as you would if you were exploring a dark place. Ask your angels to light up the way. Then watch for the signs and signals that tell you where and how to go.

Explore the new with excitement and courage. These magnetic qualities attract money and career openings and add zest to relationships.

The angels are inspiring you to move forward with anticipation, expectancy and hope.

Affirmation: I face the adventure of life eagerly.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Ippuska - 03.10.2007 19:24:00


The outer world is a reflection of your inner so focus on the beauty within yourself, your good qualities, your kindnesses, your gifts and talents. Remember that whatever you give attention to increases and grows.

Everyone has some beauty in their soul, so seek it in others. Remind them of their qualities and you will illuminate them.

Surround yourself with things and people with a beautiful vibration for we are all influenced by that which is around us.

As you tune more and more into the incredible wonder of yourself, others and planet, your resonance becomes that of beauty. Others will perceive the radiance of your soul and be touched by it.

Affirmation: I recognise my beauty and that of others.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Atomi - 04.10.2007 11:25:27
The Sphinx

Within the Temple of Poseidon a gigantic statue of a sphinx guarded the Eastern gate. This generic animal represented purity and contained the records for all the Universes, which could only be accessed by the High Priests and Priestesses. The current Sphinx in Egypt is its earthly equivalent, and we can re-energise its power by living in love, harmony and co-operation.

Keep Secrets

Your guidance is to maintain silence until it is appropriate for you to divulge information. The sphinx may indicate that you must keep your own or other people’s secrets, to prove that others can trust you. Or it may suggest that it is time for you to look within to access your wisdom, then share it appropriately.

Keep your own counsel and the secrets of others.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Lunerica - 04.10.2007 13:01:04

To develop the quality of mercy forgive yourself and everyone around you.

Be magnanimous, see the good in others and give them the benefit of the doubt.

Open up to compassion but most of all access the wisdom within that recognises the divine in every creature.

When you temper your attitude to others with mercy you offer them grace.

You spread much light, joy and freedom and empower others to find the good in themselves.

Choosing this card may mean that the angels of mercy are offering you release from your pain or difficulties. Accept it graciously.

Affirmation: I am merciful.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Ippuska - 05.10.2007 15:24:14
No kai se ON uskottava:



Laughter is a wonderful healer. It shakes out fear and leaves you feeling happier, clearer and more relaxed.

Remember that angels fly because they take themselves lightly, so make light of difficulties and see the funny side of situations.

Laugh at yourself and with others.

When you relax and laugh, your angels drop in new suggestions and ideas which can transform difficulty into delight

Laughter is the sunshine which dissolves the darkness so be merry, joyous and fun filled.

Affirmation: I see the humour in everything.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Arkiviisu - 06.10.2007 11:45:56
Discernment means sensing what feels right or wrong, trusting your judgement and acting on it.

Your angel guidance is to look at the people and situations in your life now and respond to your gut feeling.

Learn to develop your intuition and ask the angels to help you to discern the good from the bad. They will prompt and guide you.

You will feel safer, happier, stronger and clearer.

Angel wisdom reminds you that when you can be trusted to use discernment you can serve the Universe in a great way.

Affirmation: I trust my intuition.

Linkki ~Angels and Ascension  sivulle jossa voit nostaa eli klikata itsellesi Enkelikortin... :angel:

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: astroilija - 06.10.2007 16:00:15
Archangel Zadkiel 

Archangel Zadkiel will help you to find tolerance and forgiveness.He works on the violet ray of purification and transmutation. Its purpose is to help you to release lower vibrations and ascend to a higher way of being. Angel wisdom suggests that you visualise yourself in the violet flame and invoke Archangel Zadkiel to help you. Place your troubles and difficult relationships within the flame so that all negativity is transmuted. You are blessed to have drawn this card today for it indicates that you are ready to walk the path of light.

Affirmation: I am cleansed within the violet flame.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Tibetan - 06.10.2007 16:26:46
Minulle tuli sama kuin Tuliruusulle, Arkkienkeli Zadkiel

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Esmiralda - 06.10.2007 23:42:52


Discernment means sensing what feels right or wrong, trusting your judgement and acting on it.

Your angel guidance is to look at the people and situations in your life now and respond to your gut feeling.

Learn to develop your intuition and ask the angels to help you to discern the good from the bad. They will prompt and guide you.

You will feel safer, happier, stronger and clearer.

Angel wisdom reminds you that when you can be trusted to use discernment you can serve the Universe in a great way.

Affirmation: I trust my intuition.

Yes, yes, I do!!!

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Lunerica - 11.10.2007 10:17:29

Arkkienkeli Uriel työskentelee viisauden ja henkisyyden rubiininvärisen säteen alaisena, joka koostuu purppurasta ja kullasta.
Sinut on siunattu saadessasi tämän enkelikortin, sillä Uriel tuo sinulle levollisuutta, rakkautta, tyyneyttä ja rauhaa. Sinua puolestaan pyydetään jakamaan näitä hienoja hyveitä muillekin.
Kun olet yhteydessä arkkienkeli Urieliin, sinun on mahdollista pyrkiä ykseyteen koko ihmiskunnan kanssa. Tuo ykseys on suuren armon tila, joka tuo sinulle vapautta ja iloa.
Kuvittele mielessäsi harteillesi purppuran ja kullanvärinen viitta ja pyydä arkkienkeli Urielia avuksesi avartaaksesi tietoisuuttasi.

Voimalause: Olen yhtä kaikkien kanssa rauhan ja levollisuuden hengessä.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: mc82 - 14.10.2007 13:57:29

Life is a series of cycles and a time of rebirth is indicated for you.

This may mean a new phase in a relationship, the germination of a fresh idea or the development of qualities in you like laughter, light or hope. It may herald a total change.

Do not be afraid to let go of the familiar for the new cannot enter until the old and outworn has departed.

Your angel guidance is to accept the new for it will be welcome when it arrives.

Birth is a vulnerable time. The fragile life force needs to be protected and nurtured within you. Ask the angels to guide the new beginnings in your life safely to maturity.

Affirmation: I welcome and nurture the new in my life.


Vautsi, tuntuu siltä, että tuo pitää paikkansa, koska olen elänyt tämän vuoden melkoisessa muutoksen kourassa..

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: mc82 - 14.10.2007 14:00:46
Atlantis-kortti näyttäisi tältä:


 In Golden Atlantis, a trained priest would examine a child’s aura to discover his or her inborn gifts and talents, which were then developed. The learning temples were peaceful, quiet places where relaxation was induced by appropriate music and colour to open the right brain of the student. Then the priest would telepathically impart spiritual knowledge directly into his or her mind. He or she could also absorb information directly into the third eye from certain crystals, into which higher priests or the Magi had programmed specific information.

Learn or teach

Drawing this card suggests that you open yourself to new learnings by relaxing and absorbing information rather than in the old, logical, structured way. Alternatively, it may be time for you to teach others. In this case, draw from your own wisdom, not books.

Open up to learn. Then spread the knowledge.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: astroilija - 31.10.2007 12:19:53


Honesty is as important in business as in every sphere of life. People sense your level of honour and integrity and respond accordingly.

When you are completely honest with yourself you can be totally open for there is nothing to hide. People respect and trust you and they want to work with you and do business with you.

At all times maintain your own standards regardless of those around you.

Truth ultimately prevails, therefore the sound course in business is to be honest and build your career on a solid foundation.

Affirmation: Honesty pays.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Tiikerililja - 31.10.2007 16:36:02
Malttamattomana odottelen erästä puhelinsoittoa ja odotellessani lueskelin, mitä uutta foorumilla. Enkelikortti...ja miten muka joku netissä nostettu kortti voisi kertoa tilanteesta jotakin?! Ja pöh! Klikkasin korttia ja mitä tulikaan: Patience  :2funny: :uglystupid2: :smitten:

Okei, okei, voihan tämäkin joskus osua NIIN nappiin! Hauska sivusto!


Trust the higher forces of life to know what is best for you and remember that when you are asked to wait you are being prepared for something even better than you expected.
So change your attitude to one of acceptance. Relax and take stock.
Ask your angel to enfold you during this waiting period so that you can listen to the promptings of the Divine.
Do not rush off on some wild goose-chase of your lower will.
When the time is right and you are ready and refreshed, the next door will open.
Patience is always rewarded.
Affirmation: All things happen at the perfect time."

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: astroilija - 03.11.2007 22:38:27
Archangel Uriel 

Archangel Uriel works on the purple and gold ray of wisdom and spirituality.

You are blessed to attract this angel card for he will bring you serenity, love, tranquillity and peace. You in your turn are invited to spread these beautiful qualities to others.

Connecting with Archangel Uriel will enable you to aspire to oneness with all humanity. This is a high state of grace which will bring you freedom and joy.

Visualise yourself in a purple and golden cloak and invoke Archangel Uriel’s help to raise your consciousness.

Affirmation: I am one with everyone in peace and serenity.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: scorpio11 - 04.11.2007 00:03:50
Kävin nostamassa kortin ja sain seuraavanlaisen...

Archangel Michael 

When you are blessed with this angel card you are guided to invoke Archangel Michael to help protect and strengthen you.

He will increase your ability to deal with problems, so ask him to cut with his sword any emotional cords which bind you to people, stuck situations or past memories and then to fill you with strength and love.

He will shield you from the destructive thoughts, emotions and actions of others.

Call for his help and visualise yourself wearing a deep blue cloak, securely fastened. This will place you under his protection.

He is the master of all angels, a great warrior spirit. Within his Light you will feel more secure, have more confidence, energy and power.

Affirmation: I am strong and protected by Archangel Michael.


Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Esmiralda - 04.11.2007 00:46:37
Menen pitkästä aikaa tanssimaan ryhmäämme itämaista huomenna. Siksipä nostin kortin. Ja... oh, kunpa saisinkin nauraa sydämeni pohjasta, tai edes tekisin jotakin niin typerää, että saisin muut nauramaan, sittenhän sitä nauraa itsekin!  :smitten:


Laughter is a wonderful healer. It shakes out fear and leaves you feeling happier, clearer and more relaxed.

Remember that angels fly because they take themselves lightly, so make light of difficulties and see the funny side of situations.

Laugh at yourself and with others.

When you relax and laugh, your angels drop in new suggestions and ideas which can transform difficulty into delight

Laughter is the sunshine which dissolves the darkness so be merry, joyous and fun filled.

Affirmation: I see the humour in everything.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: astroilija - 04.11.2007 19:38:45

Archangel Chamuel


Archangel Chamuel works on the pink ray of love and being blessed with this archangel card indicates that you are ready to open your heart to unconditional love.

Love has no restrictions and accepts all people as they are. Nor does it judge. True love is so powerful that it dissolves hurt, anger and separation.

Let love flow from your heart and touch your loved ones, those you dislike and strangers.

This creates a bridge of light which the angels can move along to bring hope and peace.

In return your life will be blessed and filled with love.

Affirmation: My heart is filled with the flame of love.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: astroilija - 07.11.2007 22:38:33


 Life is a series of cycles and a time of rebirth is indicated for you.This may mean a new phase in a relationship, the germination of a fresh idea or the development of qualities in you like laughter, light or hope. It may herald a total change. Do not be afraid to let go of the familiar for the new cannot enter until the old and outworn has departed. Your angel guidance is to accept the new for it will be welcome when it arrives. Birth is a vulnerable time. The fragile life force needs to be protected and nurtured within you. Ask the angels to guide the new beginnings in your life safely to maturity.

Affirmation: I welcome and nurture the new in my life.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Arkiviisu - 08.11.2007 01:02:40
Archangel Raphael
You are blessed to attract this angel card for Archangel Raphael brings health, healing and abundance. He will help you to develop your intuition and inner vision. Call on him if you need help in these areas now.

He also protects travellers during journeys so this is a fortuitous card if you are about to travel.

If you are a healer or wish to be one, Archangel Raphael will direct pure divine energy to you.

He works on the green ray of healing and balance so visualise yourself surrounded by a clear green light and invoke his guidance.

Affirmation: I am happy, healthy and abundant.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Lunerica - 08.11.2007 11:07:27

Discernment means sensing what feels right or wrong, trusting your judgement and acting on it.

Your angel guidance is to look at the people and situations in your life now and respond to your gut feeling.

Learn to develop your intuition and ask the angels to help you to discern the good from the bad. They will prompt and guide you.

You will feel safer, happier, stronger and clearer.

Angel wisdom reminds you that when you can be trusted to use discernment you can serve the Universe in a great way.

Affirmation: I trust my intuition.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Tibetan - 09.11.2007 11:50:25
Affirmation: I accept myself and others.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Arkiviisu - 09.11.2007 13:45:41

There is no such thing as chance in life or business.

Coincidences and synchronicities are orchestrated by the universe for the highest purpose and have meaning.

When you are aware of them recognise their importance and consider their meaning in the context of your situation.

Know that the Higher Power is drawing something to your attention and use your wisdom to move forward appropriately.

Affirmation: I watch for synchronicities.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: astroilija - 09.11.2007 22:20:11

Archangel Michael 


When you are blessed with this angel card you are guided to invoke Archangel Michael to help protect and strengthen you.

He will increase your ability to deal with problems, so ask him to cut with his sword any emotional cords which bind you to people, stuck situations or past memories and then to fill you with strength and love.

He will shield you from the destructive thoughts, emotions and actions of others.

Call for his help and visualise yourself wearing a deep blue cloak, securely fastened. This will place you under his protection.

He is the master of all angels, a great warrior spirit. Within his Light you will feel more secure, have more confidence, energy and power.

Affirmation[/color]: I am strong and protected by Archangel Michael.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: astroilija - 11.11.2007 17:50:27


A still clear mind sees everything from a wider perspective and enables you to pinpoint your vision. Allow your true wisdom to come forward and dissolve the chatter of your mind.Know that your business angel has drawn this to your attention in order to help you, for a clear mind is sharp as a diamond.Take some time to find the stillness within. Then you can clarify the issues in your life and take the right decisions for the highest good. As you become clear about your business and personal life you will see things differently. You will be able to make decisions from strength and find a new way of being.

Affirmation: My clear, calm mind perfects my judgement.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Amber - 11.11.2007 18:03:21

Look after yourself by acknowledging your desires and needs and taking steps to meet them. Examine and note your gifts, talents and achievements.

When you accept all aspects of yourself you feel centred and confident. Then you can genuinely acknowledge others.

Become aware of and nurture the good qualities of the people in your life so that they feel relaxed and happy in your presence.

Angel wisdom reminds you to recognise who you truly are - an evolved spirit in a human body. When you acknowledge your spiritual dimensions you will align with your true self and your spirit will soar.

Affirmation: I acknowledge who I truly am.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Arkiviisu - 11.11.2007 18:19:44


Light illuminates darkness and gloom, bringing hope and inspiration.

Ask the angels to fill you with more light for it contains spiritual information and knowledge.

These are keys to the Universe and bring love and peace as well as unlocking the wisdom within you.

As your light becomes stronger and clearer you will find clarity and purpose.

You will radiate brightly and become a beacon, reminding others of the Divine help available.

Angel wisdom suggests you ask the angels to ignite and strengthen the Divine flame within you.

Affirmation: I am a light.

Light in the Darkness

I was once Lost
in such a dark place,
and unable to find my way.

I heard a soft whisper,
in the darkness.
My heart skipped a beat,
when someone called my name.

I got goose bumps all over
and my skin tingled,
as a rainbow was cast before me.
It was just so very beautiful.

At the end of the rainbow
stood a fairy
Her arms stretched out wide
and she smiled, when she called my name.

Her beauty captivated me,
in such a special way.
Her green wings sparkled
as they opened and closed.

She wore a white shirt,
and a green dress,
that hugged her every curve,
but flowed as she walked towards me.

Her hair that draped over her shoulders
But as she smiled her face glowed in the darkness.
Her green eyes just penetrated my soul.
Her magical smile melted my heart.

I found myself helpless
Unable to move
Thoughts raced through my mind
As she whispered “it’s ok”

She took my hand,
in that very moment,
I felt the warmth of her heart
She turned and led me out of the darkness

To a paradise
more beautiful than I could ever imagine.
It’s a place
we call home.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Sininen Kettu - 11.11.2007 19:07:39
Moi Arkiviisu,

Linkkivinkkisi oli kiinnostava. Kiitos.  :) Itse en varsinaisesti ole noista enkeleistä päässyt jyvälle, mutta tuo Atlantis-juttu vaikutti tosi kiinnostavalle. Olen saanut lahjaksi entisistä elämistäni katsauksen ja siellä oli minulla jokin yhteys Atlantikseen. Olin kuulemma ollut joku uusia maailmoja tutkaileva pioneeri siinä maailmassa. Nyt kun osui tuolla linkkisivulla Atlantis silmiini, se vaikutti kiinnostavalle.  :coolsmiley:

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Arkiviisu - 12.11.2007 12:13:39
Moi Arkiviisu,

Linkkivinkkisi oli kiinnostava. Kiitos.  :) Itse en varsinaisesti ole noista enkeleistä päässyt jyvälle, mutta tuo Atlantis-juttu vaikutti tosi kiinnostavalle. Olen saanut lahjaksi entisistä elämistäni katsauksen ja siellä oli minulla jokin yhteys Atlantikseen. Olin kuulemma ollut joku uusia maailmoja tutkaileva pioneeri siinä maailmassa. Nyt kun osui tuolla linkkisivulla Atlantis silmiini, se vaikutti kiinnostavalle.  :coolsmiley:

 :angel: MOI ja kiitos  msaarela  :D  ;)  ja nostin itselleni kortin ...

Clear your mind to transmit and receive messages.

High Priest

At any given time there were six High Priests (and six High Priestesses) of Atlantis – highly-evolved, cosmic beings who took instructions directly from the Intergalactic Council. Each was in charge of one of the twelve regions. They were noble leaders who worked selflessly for the greatest good of the people. They presided over important ceremonies and poured pure, high-frequency light down onto the populace to maintain the light of Atlantis.

If you pick this card, it suggests that you take command of your life and demonstrate who you truly are. You are called on to exercise your leadership qualities, act with integrity, take clear, wise decisions and to empower others for the highest good of all. This is a time for strong and selfless service.

Lead with strength and wisdom.

 :smitten:  jaaah - kun etsin linkkejä hakusanalla A T L A T I S niiiin eteeni tupsahti tällainen linkki  :-*  :D
ja sieltä löysin käännöksen ....  :smitten:


Kaikkina aikoina Atlantiksessa oli 6 ylipappia (ja ylipapitarta), pitkälle kehittyneitä kosmisia olentoja, jotka saivat ohjeensa suoraan Intergalaktiselta neuvostolta. Jokaisella heistä oli oma vastuualueensa 12:sta alueesta. He olivat ylväitä johtajia, jotka työskentelivät epäitsekkäästi ihmisten kaikkein parhamimmaksi hyväksi. He johtivat tärkeitä seremoneja ja vuodattivat puhdasta, korkeataajuuksista valoa väkijoukkoon ylläpitääkseen Atlantiksen valoa.


Jos saat tämän kortin, se ehdottaa, että otat ohjakset käsiisi elämässäsi ja näytät kuka sinä todella olet. Sinua kutsutaan harjoittamaan johtajan ominaisuuksiasi, toimimaan oikeudenmukaisesti, tekemään selviä ja viisaita päätöksiä ja valtuuttaa toisia heidän korkeinta parasta ajatellen. Aika on kypsä vahvalle ja epäitsekkäälle palvelulle.

Johda voimalla ja viisaudella.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Sininen Kettu - 12.11.2007 13:33:17
Vau!!! Vaikuttavaa!!!  :smitten: Voisi olla aika mahtava juttu sinulle....kosketteliko todellisuuttasi?  :D

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: astroilija - 17.11.2007 15:14:49


According to Universal Law you can have anything your heart desires.
However if your happiness, sense of security or feeling of power depends on someone or something in your life, then you are attached to it. It is a chain which binds you to a lower frequency and keeps you stuck.Your guidance is to ask the angels to help you cut the cords that tie you to people, things and emotions.When all attachments are released you can no longer be manipulated emotionally. This enables you to reclaim your power and be genuine.
Free your spirit and that of others. Let go now.

Affirmation: I release everyone and everything. My spirit is free.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Lunerica - 18.11.2007 11:22:41
Oih, tulipas ihana!  :smitten:


Life is an adventure. Be ready for the unexpected and make the most of all opportunities. The angel wisdom suggests you get out of any stuck habits or ruts. Do things that are different and face life with a sense of wonder.

If the path ahead seems dark, do as you would if you were exploring a dark place. Ask your angels to light up the way. Then watch for the signs and signals that tell you where and how to go.

Explore the new with excitement and courage. These magnetic qualities attract money and career openings and add zest to relationships.

The angels are inspiring you to move forward with anticipation, expectancy and hope.

Affirmation: I face the adventure of life eagerly.

Nosta kortti:

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Sininen Kettu - 18.11.2007 14:02:07
Vau! Tosiaankin, kyllä oli ihana. :smitten:

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: astroilija - 26.11.2007 15:22:30

Self worth 

Self worth bestows a sense of confidence and expectation of success.
Decide on clear boundaries and limits and firmly decline to let others step over them or manipulate you. You will earn respect.When you value yourself you become open and friendly, slow to take offence and quick to forgive. Remind yourself that you are likeable and loveable. Do not let others press your buttons. Stand tall and confident. With true self worth you radiate a golden aura which enfolds others and makes them feel good too. Ask your angel to step into your aura and guide you.

Affirmation: I am confident and worthwhile.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Lunerica - 16.12.2007 10:50:34

The angels remind you that every situation or person is placed on your path with a purpose.

It may be to strengthen you, offer you an opportunity to resolve or forgive the past, release old patterns, or for enjoyment.

Your life purpose is ultimately to do that which brings you joy, satisfaction and fulfilment. Seeking these soul qualities will place you on the path of your destiny. Once on your life path, allow nothing and no one to deflect you from your mission.

Your guidance is to ask your angel to help you find the purpose of your current situation or, if you are ready, your life mission.

Align your strength and willpower and hold your intention to fulfil your purpose. The angels will support you and you will succeed.

Affirmation: I am strong and determined.


Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: savannah - 21.12.2007 21:53:34
Minulla on Wibeka Waultersin enkelikortit ja kirja,en ymmarrä kortteja vaikka on selostus kirjassa,tietääkö joku näistä. ::)

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: scorpio11 - 30.12.2007 19:37:59
When you are positive you keep directing a stream of high vibration energy with your thoughts, words and actions.

This affects others and they help you towards your purpose.

The angels are aware of the power of your positivity and they too will support your intentions. You choose your thoughts and attitudes, so focus on loving, abundant and successful outcomes in every area of your life.

Your positivity will make you feel happy, healthy and fulfilled.

Affirmation: I am positive and strong.

  ::)   :) 

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Dimma - 19.01.2008 17:13:26

Your guidance is to count your blessings. When you say thank-you to the Universe for its gifts, it responds generously to you.

Angel wisdom reminds you to say thank-you for all that you have, the intangible as well as the tangible.

Whenever you say thank-you from your heart more is bestowed on you for gratitude is a key to opening the doors to universal abundance.

Cultivate an attitude of gratitude and open yourself to receive love and plenty into your life. Your angels will smile on you.

Affirmation: I am grateful for everything in my life.


Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: taiska - 19.01.2008 20:51:09


In order to be kind you must open your heart to the gentle qualities of caring and compassion.

Be kind to yourself. Have reasonable expectations and give yourself due praise. In order to nurture the gentle quality of kindness, cherish yourself.

When you do something for yourself you automatically extend that same energy to others.

Kindness melts barriers of ice around people and re-empowers those who are afraid. So reach out to the lonely, draw out the shy, include those who feel isolated and comfort the sad.

Your rewards will be a sense of inner peace, warmth and love.

Affirmation: I am kind to myself and others.

 :smitten:  :angel:  :smitten:

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Lunerica - 21.01.2008 10:38:30
Archangel Gabriel 

You are blessed to receive this archangel card and your guidance is to invoke Archangel Gabriel who works on the white ray, for grace and purification.

It is time to release old memories, stuck habits and mental patterns which lower your vibrations. Archangel Gabriel will bring order and discipline into your life so that everything runs smoothly.

You can also call on him to bring you clarity and joy.

You are reminded that you are a beautiful, light and wise spirit and only the material mantel disguises your true self. Let your pure spirit emerge and fly.

Affirmation: I am pure and light.

Aivan, Evea, ihastuttavan viisaita!  :smitten:

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Riitta - 21.01.2008 10:50:08
Minakin kysyisin mita minulle kuuluu?

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Chandra - 21.01.2008 22:25:44

Affirmation:I trust my intuition

Niinpä teen ja etsin nyt sitä asuntoa,koska joka suunnalta pukkaa sellaista pienoista työntöä muuttoon. :smitten:

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: taiska - 21.01.2008 22:30:48


When creativity is balanced with logic and order, you have limitless potential. It is a valuable energy in business.

This card may herald a new idea, inspiration or a clear vision of your goals at work.

A creative mind expands your vision in any situation. You can develop this talent by detaching from routine, giving yourself time to think out of the box and open your imagination.

Your business angels remind you that you are a creative thinker.

Affirmation: I am a creative thinker.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Chandra - 23.01.2008 14:16:03
 :smitten: OPPORTUNITY  :smitten:

Affirmation:I seize my opportunities  :angel:

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Atomi - 23.01.2008 16:45:26
Enkelit vastaavat pulmaan:


It is only when you feel totally calm that you are powerful for no one can upset or influence you. Your business angel guides you to centre yourself, then master any anger or negative feelings, so that you can rely on your own judgement and take your own decisions.

It is important to take responsibility for your life and this serves your personal growth and enables you to be strong.

True power is based on inner strength, self worth and integrity. A person who feels powerful supports and empowers others.

Be powerful today.

Affirmation: I am calm, centred and powerful.

....ja Atlantis....

High Priest

At any given time there were six High Priests (and six High Priestesses) of Atlantis – highly-evolved, cosmic beings who took instructions directly from the Intergalactic Council. Each was in charge of one of the twelve regions. They were noble leaders who worked selflessly for the greatest good of the people. They presided over important ceremonies and poured pure, high-frequency light down onto the populace to maintain the light of Atlantis.

If you pick this card, it suggests that you take command of your life and demonstrate who you truly are. You are called on to exercise your leadership qualities, act with integrity, take clear, wise decisions and to empower others for the highest good of all. This is a time for strong and selfless service.

Lead with strength and wisdom.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Chandra - 27.01.2008 23:33:35
Clairvoyance! :o
Piti juuri kysellä,onko muilla tänään ilmennyt kolmannen silmän erityistä kihelmöintiä,ihon "kiristymistä"sillä alueella,päänsärkyä ja "avaruussirinää".Minulla ollut koko päivän ja nyt nousi tämä kortti.


There are many ways of seeing with your inner vision.You may physically see pictures on your inner screen,your may sense or you may "know".It is time to develope your third eye and trust your intuition.

Trust you inner vision and knowing.

Oikestaan jo eilen mennessäni nukkumaan,pieni poika käveli valossa edes takaisin.En saanut häntä pysähtymään,enkä näin ollen ymmärtänyt sanomaansa.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Dimma - 02.02.2008 13:15:58

Joy springs from a sense of connection to the Divine and is a quality which illuminates you.

Your angel guidance is to cultivate this quality by seeking the Divine in every situation.

Look beyond the surface and seek the light in the heart of each person.

Then you will become aware of the wonder of creation and joy will ignite your life.

Delight in everything for joy is a key to enlightenment.

Enjoy life.

Affirmation: I find joy in everything.

 :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: taiska - 02.02.2008 13:33:32


The angels remind you that being spiritual is about being genuine and honest. When you speak from the heart others feel the resonance of truth and trust you.

Talk positively. Focus on the good in life and you will feel happier and healthier.

Communication is a two way process. Listen with interest and respond openly. This will improve all relationships.

Communicate constantly with Source using prayer, which is asking, and meditation, which is listening.

Always keep channels of communication open. Be a bridge to others’ hearts and minds.

Ask your angel to step into your aura and communicate in a higher way through you.

Affirmation: I communicate clearly and honestly.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Elämänilo - 02.02.2008 13:34:22
Hei Ystäväin

Kokeilempa minäkin nostaa
oman enkelinviesti kortini.


Diana Cooper - Enkelinviesti kortti (




Your guidance is to count your blessings.
When you say thank-you to the Universe for its gifts,
it responds generously to you.

Angel wisdom reminds you to say thank-you
for all that you have,
the intangible as well as the tangible.

Whenever you say thank-you
from your heart more is bestowed on you
for gratitude is a key to opening the doors
to universal abundance.

Cultivate an attitude of gratitude
and open yourself to receive
love and plenty into your life.
Your angels will smile on you.

I am grateful for everything in my life.

:smitten: Elämänilo

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Dimma - 06.02.2008 23:12:34

Discernment means sensing what feels right or wrong, trusting your judgement and acting on it.

Your angel guidance is to look at the people and situations in your life now and respond to your gut feeling.

Learn to develop your intuition and ask the angels to help you to discern the good from the bad. They will prompt and guide you.

You will feel safer, happier, stronger and clearer.

Angel wisdom reminds you that when you can be trusted to use discernment you can serve the Universe in a great way.

Affirmation: I trust my intuition.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: taiska - 06.02.2008 23:47:42
Self worth 


Self worth bestows a sense of confidence and expectation of success.

Decide on clear boundaries and limits and firmly decline to let others step over them or manipulate you. You will earn respect.

When you value yourself you become open and friendly, slow to take offence and quick to forgive. Remind yourself that you are likeable and loveable. Do not let others press your buttons. Stand tall and confident.

With true self worth you radiate a golden aura which enfolds others and makes them feel good too. Ask your angel to step into your aura and guide you.

Affirmation: I am confident and worthwhile.

 :smitten:  :angel:  :smitten:

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Dimma - 10.02.2008 15:03:03

The angels remind you that every situation or person is placed on your path with a purpose.

It may be to strengthen you, offer you an opportunity to resolve or forgive the past, release old patterns, or for enjoyment.

Your life purpose is ultimately to do that which brings you joy, satisfaction and fulfilment. Seeking these soul qualities will place you on the path of your destiny. Once on your life path, allow nothing and no one to deflect you from your mission.

Your guidance is to ask your angel to help you find the purpose of your current situation or, if you are ready, your life mission.

Align your strength and willpower and hold your intention to fulfil your purpose. The angels will support you and you will succeed.

Affirmation: I am strong and determined.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: taiska - 11.02.2008 01:50:30


When you worry about decisions it means that your mind is trying to control your life and results in choices made from your ego.

Your angel guidance is to consider and evaluate all the options then let go of your head and choose from your heart that which gives you greatest joy and feels right.

Do not act from foolish impulse however, rather from divinely prompted inspiration.

Make choices for the highest good. Remember that if something is not for your highest good it certainly is not for the highest good of those around you. So let go of false feelings of responsibility for others and choose with wisdom.

Become still and attune to your soul. Ask your angels for guidance and help. Then from your point of deep inner stillness make your choices easily and spontaneously.

Affirmation: I choose for my highest good.

 :smitten:  :angel:  :smitten:

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Dimma - 14.02.2008 18:33:11

Generosity is a quality of spirit.

It is rejoicing in the good fortune of others even when you have nothing to celebrate yourself.

It is an attitude of mind which means that you are happy to give without expecting in return.

Drawing this card invites you to be generous hearted and indicates that you are ready to aspire to this noble quality.

Angel wisdom suggests that you give of yourself freely, openly and lovingly.

The rewards for generosity are great for all that you give from an open heart is returned to you multiplied.

Affirmation: I am generous hearted.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Dimma - 17.02.2008 13:55:25

Your angel guidance is to find quiet space for contemplation and look within. It is time to withdraw and review your life.

Taking time and space for yourself gives you an opportunity to recuperate from life’s challenges, to reflect on the way ahead, strengthen yourself and prepare for the next phase of your life.

During times of introspection you can become aware of your gifts, your inner reserve and your wisdom. It is a time for healing.

Still your mind and quieten your emotions. Ask for your angel’s wings to enfold you and provide you with a safe haven in which to relax.

Then you can listen to the promptings of your angel inspiring and guiding you.

Affirmation: I claim time and space for myself.
:smitten: :smitten:

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: taiska - 17.02.2008 17:05:41


When creativity is balanced with logic and order, you have limitless potential. It is a valuable energy in business.

This card may herald a new idea, inspiration or a clear vision of your goals at work.

A creative mind expands your vision in any situation. You can develop this talent by detaching from routine, giving yourself time to think out of the box and open your imagination.

Your business angels remind you that you are a creative thinker.

Affirmation: I am a creative thinker.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Atomi - 18.02.2008 11:50:36

Your angel guidance is to find quiet space for contemplation and look within. It is time to withdraw and review your life.

Taking time and space for yourself gives you an opportunity to recuperate from life’s challenges, to reflect on the way ahead, strengthen yourself and prepare for the next phase of your life.

During times of introspection you can become aware of your gifts, your inner reserve and your wisdom. It is a time for healing.

Still your mind and quieten your emotions. Ask for your angel’s wings to enfold you and provide you with a safe haven in which to relax.

Then you can listen to the promptings of your angel inspiring and guiding you.

Affirmation: I claim time and space for myself.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: taiska - 18.02.2008 17:09:58


Life is a series of cycles and a time of rebirth is indicated for you.

This may mean a new phase in a relationship, the germination of a fresh idea or the development of qualities in you like laughter, light or hope. It may herald a total change.

Do not be afraid to let go of the familiar for the new cannot enter until the old and outworn has departed.

Your angel guidance is to accept the new for it will be welcome when it arrives.

Birth is a vulnerable time. The fragile life force needs to be protected and nurtured within you. Ask the angels to guide the new beginnings in your life safely to maturity.

Affirmation: I welcome and nurture the new in my life.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Ippuska - 20.02.2008 15:38:37

The cells of your body hold the blueprint for your perfect health, happiness and spiritual destiny. They also hold the full potential of your spiritual and psychic gifts. However, they must be deeply relaxed to enable your true self to emerge. In Golden Atlantis, everyone maintained a state of comfortable relaxation, which kept them attuned to the flow of life. Consequently, they were always healthy, contented, radiant and wise. They also had astonishing powers and abilities.

The breath of life

If you chose this card, your guidance is to let go and relax, for busy-ness and stress block your divine essence. Breathe deeply so that the cells of your body can release your full, divine potential.

Find time to rest and relax.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: taiska - 20.02.2008 17:28:21
Self worth 


Self worth bestows a sense of confidence and expectation of success.

Decide on clear boundaries and limits and firmly decline to let others step over them or manipulate you. You will earn respect.

When you value yourself you become open and friendly, slow to take offence and quick to forgive. Remind yourself that you are likeable and loveable. Do not let others press your buttons. Stand tall and confident.

With true self worth you radiate a golden aura which enfolds others and makes them feel good too. Ask your angel to step into your aura and guide you.

Affirmation: I am confident and worthwhile.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Dimma - 22.02.2008 19:35:47

Joy springs from a sense of connection to the Divine and is a quality which illuminates you.

Your angel guidance is to cultivate this quality by seeking the Divine in every situation.

Look beyond the surface and seek the light in the heart of each person.

Then you will become aware of the wonder of creation and joy will ignite your life.

Delight in everything for joy is a key to enlightenment.

Enjoy life.

Affirmation: I find joy in everything.
:smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: taiska - 22.02.2008 19:44:54


Life is full of changes and surprises. When you resist them, you create problems and your work stagnates. Remember that there is a solution to every problem. So expand your vision to see the higher perspective and accept there is a more positive way of working.

Be prepared to question your own thoughts and actions. When you take new decisions, previously unseen doors are opened to you and you can access within yourself the necessary resources and wisdom to help you through change. Life force will flow freely through you and you will feel healthy and alive.

The business angels remind you that only the strong can be flexible.

Affirmation: I am flexible and full of vitality

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Dimma - 04.03.2008 15:17:30

A still clear mind sees everything from a wider perspective and enables you to pinpoint your vision.

Allow your true wisdom to come forward and dissolve the chatter of your mind.

Know that your business angel has drawn this to your attention in order to help you, for a clear mind is sharp as a diamond.

Take some time to find the stillness within. Then you can clarify the issues in your life and take the right decisions for the highest good.

As you become clear about your business and personal life you will see things differently. You will be able to make decisions from strength and find a new way of being.

Affirmation: My clear, calm mind perfects my judgement.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: taiska - 04.03.2008 21:06:10


Your guidance is to take time to enjoy yourself. Relax and find your sense of humour. Treat things lightly.

Fun brings lightness of spirit and the most difficult situation can be eased if you see the funny side of things, so cultivate a sense of the ridiculous.

How can you bring play, laughter and fun into your social life, your relationships, your work life? When you have fun the angels rejoice for there is nothing they love more than joy, play, humour and laughter.

Affirmation: I lighten up and make everything fun.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Dimma - 27.03.2008 15:23:14
Hope  :smitten:

Hope indicates that the sun is about to come out in an area of your life.

The angel wisdom reminds you that your spirit is immensely resilient and powerful, so keep faith with your dreams and visions.

Remember the Universe wants you to have your heart’s desire. It is simply waiting for you to believe you deserve it before the angels bring it to you.

Do your part by deciding what you truly want. Then send out positive thoughts for the changes you seek and for the fulfilment of your wishes.

Ask the angels for help and they will fan the sparks of potential and bring them to life.

Hope is a magnetic quality which attracts the great and beautiful into your life.

Affirmation: I am eternally optimistic.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: taiska - 27.03.2008 21:22:15
Self worth 


Self worth bestows a sense of confidence and expectation of success.

Decide on clear boundaries and limits and firmly decline to let others step over them or manipulate you. You will earn respect.

When you value yourself you become open and friendly, slow to take offence and quick to forgive. Remind yourself that you are likeable and loveable. Do not let others press your buttons. Stand tall and confident.

With true self worth you radiate a golden aura which enfolds others and makes them feel good too. Ask your angel to step into your aura and guide you.

Affirmation: I am confident and worthwhile.

 :smitten:  :angel:  :smitten:

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Lunerica - 27.03.2008 22:39:40

Only the brave and open hearted dare to allow themselves to be vulnerable for it requires courage to take down all walls and expose your humanness.

Your angel guidance is to become aware of your defence mechanisms which keep you separate from others and the Divine.

Ask your angels to help you dissolve your masks and barriers so that your fragile, true self can emerge like a butterfly from its cocoon.

The reward is freedom, love and a sense of inner safety. So dare to be vulnerable and open.

Affirmation: Vulnerability is my strength.

 :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

Sopipas hyvin juuri tälle päivälle!  :angel:

Enkelikortin saat täältä:

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Dimma - 06.04.2008 14:49:32

Acceptance means unconditional love. The angels remind you to accept everyone exactly as they are, without judging, blaming or wanting to change them.

When you are totally accepting you bear no malice or enmity towards anyone or anything.

Harmlessness through acceptance is a high state of being and this is a difficult quality for humans to embrace for it is a divine quality. Nevertheless the angels are drawing it to your attention now. You are also asked to accept yourself. When you truly do so, you feel centred and confident and your divine self is revealed.

Affirmation: I accept myself and others.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: taiska - 06.04.2008 21:12:00


Only the brave and open hearted dare to allow themselves to be vulnerable for it requires courage to take down all walls and expose your humanness.

Your angel guidance is to become aware of your defence mechanisms which keep you separate from others and the Divine.

Ask your angels to help you dissolve your masks and barriers so that your fragile, true self can emerge like a butterfly from its cocoon.

The reward is freedom, love and a sense of inner safety. So dare to be vulnerable and open.

Affirmation: Vulnerability is my strength.

 :smitten:  :angel:  :smitten:

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Dimma - 21.04.2008 13:23:37

Laughter is a wonderful healer. It shakes out fear and leaves you feeling happier, clearer and more relaxed.

Remember that angels fly because they take themselves lightly, so make light of difficulties and see the funny side of situations.

Laugh at yourself and with others.

When you relax and laugh, your angels drop in new suggestions and ideas which can transform difficulty into delight

Laughter is the sunshine which dissolves the darkness so be merry, joyous and fun filled.

Affirmation: I see the humour in everything.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Dimma - 02.05.2008 23:30:34

To develop the quality of mercy forgive yourself and everyone around you.

Be magnanimous, see the good in others and give them the benefit of the doubt.

Open up to compassion but most of all access the wisdom within that recognises the divine in every creature.

When you temper your attitude to others with mercy you offer them grace.

You spread much light, joy and freedom and empower others to find the good in themselves.

Choosing this card may mean that the angels of mercy are offering you release from your pain or difficulties. Accept it graciously.

Affirmation: I am merciful.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Ippuska - 11.05.2008 17:10:24


See life through the curious eyes of a child and you will discover a never ending source of happiness and excitement.

Curiosity keeps you alive, interested and interesting.

The angels are inviting you to be curious about yourself. Start exploring who you are and you will grow personally and spiritually.

Be interested in people and you will discover an eternal source of fascination.

Be curious about the wonderful Universe in which you live, about the angels themselves and their role in the divine plan.

The radiance of your delight in life will illuminate you.

Affirmation: I explore the wonder of life.
 :angel: :angel: :angel:

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Neela - 11.05.2008 20:20:07
Archangel Michael 


When you are blessed with this angel card you are guided to invoke Archangel Michael to help protect and strengthen you.

He will increase your ability to deal with problems, so ask him to cut with his sword any emotional cords which bind you to people, stuck situations or past memories and then to fill you with strength and love.

He will shield you from the destructive thoughts, emotions and actions of others.

Call for his help and visualise yourself wearing a deep blue cloak, securely fastened. This will place you under his protection.

He is the master of all angels, a great warrior spirit. Within his Light you will feel more secure, have more confidence, energy and power.


Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: meruska - 19.05.2008 18:44:07
Hope indicates that the sun is about to come out in an area of your life.

The angel wisdom reminds you that your spirit is immensely resilient and powerful, so keep faith with your dreams and visions.

Remember the Universe wants you to have your heart’s desire. It is simply waiting for you to believe you deserve it before the angels bring it to you.

Do your part by deciding what you truly want. Then send out positive thoughts for the changes you seek and for the fulfilment of your wishes.

Ask the angels for help and they will fan the sparks of potential and bring them to life.

Hope is a magnetic quality which attracts the great and beautiful into your life.

Affirmation: I am eternally optimistic.

Ihanaa saada rohkaisun sanoja näin tuskaisuuden ja ikävystymisen ja itsesäälin ja kiukun puuskassa!

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Pupuliini74 - 21.06.2008 22:39:32

Angel wisdom suggests that you use your skills and talents for the common good.

Eliminate power struggles, conflict and competition which comes from an ego desire to win. Co-operation for the highest good promotes harmony and togetherness and draws the best from everyone.

Make it your aim that everyone has a sense of satisfaction from work done. Then you become a spreader of goodwill and harmony.

Your angel guidance is to bring people together and explore how you can mutually assist each other. Your attitude of sharing will ensure that you benefit in your turn for the angels will bless your endeavours.

Affirmation: I co-operate with everyone

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Dimma - 09.08.2008 10:31:21

Hope indicates that the sun is about to come out in an area of your life.

The angel wisdom reminds you that your spirit is immensely resilient and powerful, so keep faith with your dreams and visions.

Remember the Universe wants you to have your heart’s desire. It is simply waiting for you to believe you deserve it before the angels bring it to you.

Do your part by deciding what you truly want. Then send out positive thoughts for the changes you seek and for the fulfilment of your wishes.

Ask the angels for help and they will fan the sparks of potential and bring them to life.

Hope is a magnetic quality which attracts the great and beautiful into your life.

Affirmation: I am eternally optimistic.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Dimma - 28.08.2008 12:07:41

Angel wisdom suggests that you use your skills and talents for the common good.

Eliminate power struggles, conflict and competition which comes from an ego desire to win. Co-operation for the highest good promotes harmony and togetherness and draws the best from everyone.

Make it your aim that everyone has a sense of satisfaction from work done. Then you become a spreader of goodwill and harmony.

Your angel guidance is to bring people together and explore how you can mutually assist each other. Your attitude of sharing will ensure that you benefit in your turn for the angels will bless your endeavours.

Affirmation: I co-operate with everyone.
:smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Tiigris - 28.08.2008 19:28:57

 Only the brave and open hearted dare to
allow themselves to be vulnerable for it requires courage to take down
all walls and expose your humanness.

Your angel guidance is to become aware of your defence mechanisms
which keep you separate from others and the Divine.

Ask your angels to help you dissolve your masks and barriers
so that your fragile, true self can emerge like a butterfly from its cocoon.

The reward is freedom, love and a sense of inner safety.
So dare to be vulnerable and open.

Affirmation: Vulnerability is my strength.


Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Dimma - 15.09.2008 18:57:07
Archangel Raphael
You are blessed to attract this angel card for Archangel Raphael brings health, healing and abundance. He will help you to develop your intuition and inner vision. Call on him if you need help in these areas now.

He also protects travellers during journeys so this is a fortuitous card if you are about to travel.

If you are a healer or wish to be one, Archangel Raphael will direct pure divine energy to you.

He works on the green ray of healing and balance so visualise yourself surrounded by a clear green light and invoke his guidance.

Affirmation: I am happy, healthy and abundant.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Dimma - 26.10.2008 13:49:02

Drawing this card suggests that the business angels are now making a new opportunity available to you. It is up to you to use it to for the highest good of everyone.

Be alert, positive, flexible and prepared to flow with the currents, which come your way.

Remember that opportunities come in many forms to enable you to make a positive difference to your life and others.

You can of course make your own opportunities. If you knock on enough doors, one will inevitably be opened to you.

However your guidance is that a special opportunity to enhance your career, business or personal growth is about to present itself, without extra effort on your part. Alternatively a door, which was previously locked has now been opened a crack.

Affirmation: I seize my opportunities.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: ^^Queen Nefertiti^^ - 29.10.2008 19:27:01


Your guidance is to count your blessings. When you say thank-you to the Universe for its gifts, it responds generously to you.

Angel wisdom reminds you to say thank-you for all that you have, the intangible as well as the tangible.

Whenever you say thank-you from your heart more is bestowed on you for gratitude is a key to opening the doors to universal abundance.

Cultivate an attitude of gratitude and open yourself to receive love and plenty into your life. Your angels will smile on you.

Affirmation: I am grateful for everything in my life.

MUTTA MITÄ, bisnesenkeli???



A still clear mind sees everything from a wider perspective and enables you to pinpoint your vision.

Allow your true wisdom to come forward and dissolve the chatter of your mind.

Know that your business angel has drawn this to your attention in order to help you, for a clear mind is sharp as a diamond.

Take some time to find the stillness within. Then you can clarify the issues in your life and take the right decisions for the highest good.

As you become clear about your business and personal life you will see things differently. You will be able to make decisions from strength and find a new way of being.

Affirmation: My clear, calm mind perfects my judgement.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Lupita - 15.11.2008 19:46:15

Hope indicates that the sun is about to come out in an area of your life.

The angel wisdom reminds you that your spirit is immensely resilient and powerful, so keep faith with your dreams and visions.

Remember the Universe wants you to have your heart’s desire. It is simply waiting for you to believe you deserve it before the angels bring it to you.

Do your part by deciding what you truly want. Then send out positive thoughts for the changes you seek and for the fulfilment of your wishes.

Ask the angels for help and they will fan the sparks of potential and bring them to life.

Hope is a magnetic quality which attracts the great and beautiful into your life.

Affirmation: I am eternally optimistic.
:smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Lupita - 11.04.2009 00:37:59
Archangel Uriel 
Archangel Uriel works on the purple and gold ray of wisdom and spirituality.

You are blessed to attract this angel card for he will bring you serenity, love, tranquillity and peace. You in your turn are invited to spread these beautiful qualities to others.

Connecting with Archangel Uriel will enable you to aspire to oneness with all humanity. This is a high state of grace which will bring you freedom and joy.

Visualise yourself in a purple and golden cloak and invoke Archangel Uriel’s help to raise your consciousness.

Affirmation: I am one with everyone in peace and serenity.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: He|mi^ - 03.05.2009 23:01:47
It is time for your life to flow with prosperity, love and success.

You draw from the limitless Universal pool according to your belief in how much you deserve. Angel wisdom is reminding you now to believe in yourself and raise your level of deservingness. Then you will attract abundance and the true riches of life.
To feel surrounded by love open your heart to others.
Choose to do what fulfils you most and the angels will bring you joy, satisfaction and success.
Enhance your prosperity by receiving graciously, giving out willingly and saying thank-you for everything. Enjoy all you have and more will come to you.

Affirmation: I deserve love, prosperity and success

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Lupita - 09.07.2009 09:37:14

Light illuminates darkness and gloom, bringing hope and inspiration.

Ask the angels to fill you with more light for it contains spiritual information and knowledge.

These are keys to the Universe and bring love and peace as well as unlocking the wisdom within you.

As your light becomes stronger and clearer you will find clarity and purpose.

You will radiate brightly and become a beacon, reminding others of the Divine help available.

Angel wisdom suggests you ask the angels to ignite and strengthen the Divine flame within you.

Affirmation: I am a light.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: He|mi^ - 27.07.2009 01:47:52


A still clear mind sees everything from a wider perspective and enables you to pinpoint your vision.

Allow your true wisdom to come forward and dissolve the chatter of your mind.

Know that your business angel has drawn this to your attention in order to help you, for a clear mind is sharp as a diamond.

Take some time to find the stillness within. Then you can clarify the issues in your life and take the right decisions for the highest good.

As you become clear about your business and personal life you will see things differently. You will be able to make decisions from strength and find a new way of being.

Affirmation: My clear, calm mind perfects my judgement.

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Timm - 14.08.2009 08:51:27
Arkiviisulle kiitokset  :smitten: .Kaikki vahvistaa tietoani ja intuitiotani....olen oikealla tiellä  :angel: .


Life is a adventure. Be ready for the unexpected and make the most of all opportunities. The angel wisdom suggests you get out of any stuck habits or ruts. Do things that are different and face life a sense of wonder.

If the path ahead seems dark, do as you would if you were exploring a dark place. Ask your angels to light up the way. Then watch for the signs and signals that tell you where and how to go.

Explore the new with excitement and courage. These magnetic qualities attract money and career openings and add zest to relationships.

The angels are inspiring you to move foward with anticipation, expectancy and hope.

Affirmation I FACE THE ADVENTURE OF LIFE EAGERLY.    :smitten:  ::)  ;D  :D

Otsikko: Vs: "Nosta" itsellesi enkelikortti - Diana Cooper-sivut
Kirjoitti: Lupita - 09.11.2009 10:31:52

An unruly dog is a hazard to itself and others. The animal which has learned discipline and obedience can be trusted and will loyally and lovingly serve its master. It is then allowed off its lead.

Through discipline comes freedom.

The master you are called on to obey is your Higher Self. You came to earth on a mission and only self discipline will enable you to fulfil it. Tune in and ask your angels for their help and support so that your life becomes happy and rewarding and divinely directed.

Discipline is a key to fulfilling your destiny.

Affirmation: Self discipline brings me freedom.