Astro Foorumi

Astro special => Ennustava astrologia => Aiheen aloitti: sideman - 12.05.2009 00:29:24

Otsikko: Sananen Robert Hand'ilta FKo'lle
Kirjoitti: sideman - 12.05.2009 00:29:24

(Astrolaisille: FKo on F1-fani, joka haastoi meikäläisen kuvaamaan
hänen nykytilannettaan, kun kerroin, että Kimillä on tällä hetkellä
useita haasteellisen oloisia oppositioita kartallaan.)


This report is a short edition of the Forecast Horoscope. It is meant as a sample and advertisement for the full version of the Forecast Horoscope which can be ordered from Astrodienst as a bound report of about 15 - 20 pages.
Ordering Information
  Yearly Horoscope Analysis
Your personal forecast for the next 12 months, by Liz Greene. EUR 46.95, US$ 54.95
Order it now
  Transits of the Year
Forecast for 12 months based on your transits, by Robert Hand.
EUR 43.95, US$ 51.95
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  Forecast Horoscope
The inexpensive 12-month forecast. EUR 19.95, US$ 22.95
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In the short edition, only a few, but nevertheless important transits over your natal chart are considered. It is likely however that some important transits of this six month period have been omitted in this abbreviated report.

If you are interested in the full pattern of relevant themes, please order the full version of this report. Your best choice of report will be Liz Greene's Yearly Horoscope Analysis or Robert Hand's Transits of the Year. These reports will select the really relevant themes of a 12-month period for you, and deal with them in depth and style.

The report was generated for 6 months starting from May 2009 with the following birth data: male, born on 26 January 1969 at 6:10 am in Riihimäki, Finland.

Your sun sign is Aquarius. This is the sign in which the Sun is in your birth chart. Your Ascendant is in Sagittarius, and your Moon is in Taurus.

Uranus conjunction Venus: Less routine

Mid May 2008 until end of January 2010: The effects of this influence are often quite spectacular. You are likely to seek new freedom and excitement through your relationships. You may even decide to break away from an old, steady marriage or other relationship and seek a second youth through a new affair. But this is an extreme response which is by no means inevitable, especially if your current relationship is basically sound. It is more likely that you will change your existing relationships, sexual and otherwise, so that they are more interesting and less routine. Every relationship, no matter how good, settles into behavior patterns that kill spontaneity and make you both feel that you have little to offer each other. In other words, you get bored. You can count on this influence to change the situation.
The means by which you revive and renew a relationship will vary according to your temperament. If a relationship is quite unsatisfactory and you are naturally impulsive, you may respond in the "classic" manner by seeking a new love affair. If you are more conservative and also happier in an existing relationship, you will go through a period of tension that will lead you to reexamine the relationship and make necessary changes. If you are living with your partner and having problems now, a relationship counselor might be helpful. You need new ideas to enliven your relationship, which an outsider might be able to provide. Some couples create new arrangements under this influence, such as an open relationship, in which they allow relationships outside of their own. In this regard you must do what is appropriate for the two of you.
If you are not in a permanent relationship, you may become involved in a relationship that is completely different from anything you have experienced before. However, in this case, you should be aware that the excitement and newness of such a relationship may be a large factor in making it work, and when it becomes older and more routine it might not last.
If you are involved in an artistic activity, you will brim over with new ideas. This can be a very creative influence, although you may have to wait until it is over to integrate what you have learned into your regular techniques.

Saturn square Ascendant: Appropriate relationships

End of September 2008 until beginning of July 2009: This influence signifies a time of severe testing in your relationships with others. The demands of your work or the demands of your personal life will force you to reevaluate which relationships in your life are worth keeping and which are not. If you do not face this challenge consciously, the pressure of events will force you to do so, because people who have been with you for a long time will leave against your wishes.

There is often a strong tendency to build a wall between you and others without even realizing it. The only way you will know is that suddenly you will feel alone and out of touch with everybody. You may feel that you have no support from others, even loved ones whom you have counted on in the past for love and support. This may represent a temporary state of affairs or a passing mood. Or it may represent a serious breakdown in your relationships because of misplaced priorities in the past or because of associating with people who were wrong for you in terms of your personal goals and needs.

In the case of misplaced priorities, perhaps you have paid more attention to getting ahead in life than to giving and receiving love. Or perhaps in the past, fear of your own inadequacies or fear that you are unlovable has made you withdraw from others. Now the consequences of these problems are emerging, causing you to feel alone.

In the second case, the problem is that in terms of your direction in life, the people you associate with are a distraction or are actually opposed to your interests. In this case, no matter how much you love them, walls will form between you and them, and you will have to begin a new life without them.

With this influence several significant relationships will inevitably end. But if you have a clear idea of where you are going, this will not be a great disadvantage. Whatever remorse you feel will be quickly displaced by a new sense of freedom, because you are no longer wasting energy in trying to maintain inappropriate relationships.

Jupiter sextile Saturn: Prudence and caution

End of March 2009 until beginning of December 2009: During this time you approach expansion and growth from a very careful and pragmatic point of view. Everything you do, every plan you make is characterized by prudence and caution. You are interested in what could be, but this concern is well balanced by your concern for what is already. You are neither idealistic nor excessively conservative.

You do not see duties and obligations as limitations upon your life but as routes to achieving wisdom and maturity. This is a fundamentally correct view, but you must balance your need for freedom with your need to get work done in order to see it that way. That is what you are doing now. You are oriented to work and duty, but you can also see that certain apparent responsibilities are really not validly yours. And you are not willing to take on someone else's share of the work unless you can see real benefit from doing so.

In financial terms, you are very thrifty at this time. You can see what the best investments are, and you proceed very carefully while putting your money into them. Therefore these investments are more likely than most to work out well.

During this period you will discover how to turn your ideals into reality, partly because you can see which goals and ideals are realistic and which are not. You discard whatever is not realistic, and you work for your goals very patiently, laying a solid groundwork for success.

In business this is usually a good time, because your prudence and thrift enable you to separate the real opportunities from the illusory ones and thereby make real gains. You will be inclined to expand your business, but you will do so very cautiously rather than incautiously.

Uranus opposition Pluto: Sweeping changes

Beginning of April 2009 until beginning of March 2010: Now is the time to make sweeping changes, not only in your consciousness, but also in the circumstances in which you live. Conditions that have been developing slowly will force major changes upon you now. If you are flexible, you will be able to start a whole new phase of life, even though you may have thought that the time for new starts in your life is past. You will have a new birth of awareness, and you will be able to deal with your life unhampered by old patterns of thought that have limited you.

But if you cannot adapt and be flexible, this will be a period of great turmoil and stress as you try desperately to hold on to circumstances, possessions and relationships that no longer have any real function in your life. What you are trying to save is not something real, it is only an illusion.

The impetus for change may come through persons who present you with many upsetting surprises, all of which show that your life is no longer what is was. The key point to recognize is that this process is not bad for you, it is just upsetting at first until you get into the flow of events. It can be quite exciting and will certainly inject an element of youth into your life again, with the advantage that now you will have the wisdom to handle it properly.

Saturn opposition Venus: Adversities

25 August 2009 until 10 September 2009: This influence often signifies a crisis in your personal relationships. Love seems harder to come by, and you may cool off toward those who used to be dear to you. Or they may cool off. This is a period of testing old relationships to find out whether they can survive and make a contribution to your life. It is rather difficult to establish new relationships, for this is a time for culminating the old, not beginning anew.

This influence indicates that your need for relationships is in strong conflict with your need to feel like a distinct, separate and definite individual. Either you are such an individualist in your relationships that others find it difficult to relate to you, or the relationships smother your sense of individuality. You may feel very lonely even in the presence of your loved ones, because a wall has been built up between you and them.

It is absolutely essential to reexamine your relationships at this time to determine exactly your rights, duties and obligations and those of your partner. Probably you have been trespassing upon each other's prerogatives, and the tension that this causes has led to your current difficulties.

One common manifestation of this influence is becoming involved in a relationship that makes very heavy demands on you. Although you would rather not be involved in it, you find it difficult to break out of. All you can do in this case is to persist and do whatever you have to do. If you simply abandon this relationship, you will almost immediately encounter another relationship like it, and another and another until you live one of them through.

This may also be a time of material and financial adversity. Here again you will have to examine your past attitudes toward material resources and perhaps change your whole orientation toward them. Try getting along with less; you may find that you need less than you had thought.

Saturn conjunction Pluto: Confinements

9 September 2009 until 25 September 2009: During this time you may have fewer resources available for doing what you want, and you may have to focus the available resources on more restricted and concentrated objectives. The effects of this influence are several. First, structure in your life will change significantly, but not suddenly or without warning. The changes brought about during this time are inherent in what is being changed, if you look carefully. It is rather like an inevitable conclusion of a situation. During this period some things will come to an end or an old order of life will cease. On a metaphysical level, this influence means that factors are now being incorporated into the structure of your life that will later bring about evolution and growth. This process involves getting rid of old structures. What happens now will have great consequences in fourteen years.

On a material level, this influence often causes financial problems or other kinds of shortages. Sometimes government or other officials will impose heavy burdens that greatly restrict your freedom of movement. It is also possible that some incident or accident may affect your health and thereby restrict your freedom of movement.

All of these effects confine your energies so that later they can be focused upon matters that will require your full attention. If your energy is spread too thin, later crises will be much more difficult to bear. Then you will have to go through a most unpleasant house- cleaning of everything in your life that interferes with your natural pattern of evolution.

As you are more and more restricted by circumstances and the need to use your resources conservatively, do not simply hold in your energies. Build new structures to correct the problems you face now, and concentrate all your energy on bringing about necessary evolution in your life.