Astro Foorumi

Muita keskusteluaiheita => Henkimaailman ilmiöitä => Aiheen aloitti: ^^Queen Nefertiti^^ - 23.04.2010 09:33:50

Otsikko: Sethin opetuksia ja kanavoinnin historiaa (kriittisesti..)
Kirjoitti: ^^Queen Nefertiti^^ - 23.04.2010 09:33:50
tuntuu, että Diane Cooper, Abraham Hicks, Rhonda Byrne, enkelikirjat yleensä on suositumpia kuin tämä.. en ainakaan huomannut palstalla mitään. vertailen onko näillä opeilla kovasti eroa vai ovatko samaa.

no näitäkin kirjoja on myyty enempi kuin Suomessa on asukkaita..,

Truth and Reality Class

Introduction: Basic Principles

    "Welcome. This class will begin with a discussion of reality and the ways it is designed, assembled and understood. Later on we'll discuss the difference between relative truth and the Whole Truth, and how the realization of the difference can cause awakening. First, let's set forth some basic principles:

        "Reality comes in levels or layers.

            "There is always another level.

        "There are two sides to everything in existence.

            "Nothing can exist without its antithesis to balance it.

        "Everything is made of energy.

            "The two fundamental energies are outward moving and inward drawing.

        "As above, so below.

            "As within, so without.

        "Reality is relative and finite.

            "Truth is universal and eternal.

        "Reality is a truth, with a small "t".

            "Truth, with a capital "T", is independent of any reality, it includes all realities.

        "Reality is a subjective experience and can be explained.

            "The Truth is obvious, needs no explanation and can not be captured with words."

    Lesson One: Where is the World?

    Your Venue

    "This is Spirit. We will first discuss reality as you experience it and in later classes, Truth as I know it. As noted above, the Whole Truth is universal and does not depend on anyone's perception of it. Reality, on the other hand does not exist except in the mind of the one who is perceiving it.

    "The experience of reality is always subjective because it is only through the fact that you are perceiving it that you can know anything. All experiences of sight, sound, touch, taste, smell, feelings, thoughts, subtle energies, etc. depend completely upon you being there to perceive them. There has been much said by your philosophers and mystics about the illusory nature of the world. The truth is that the world with all its people and objects actually does exist; it just does not exist outside of you, as it has always seemed.

    "The grand illusion has been that there is an objective, outside world that you can know and experience. The truth is that the only evidence you will ever have of an outside world must come to you through your perceptions. And your perceptions are within you, they're part of you.

    "Even if there were a world outside of yourself, you wouldn't be able to know anything about it, except through your perceptions of it. You must rely upon your perceptions to bring you the facts about things, and your perceptions and the facts they bring are all within you, they are part of you.

    "You have had some experiences that can help you validate this truth. For instance, you know that if ten people witness an accident, there will be ten different reports of what happened. Some will be quite different from others, some will be similar, but each will be unique. In recounting the 'facts' of the accident, each witness is limited by the filters of their unique perceptions and point of view and by their memories of those perceptions, which are also their own perceptions."

    The World is Part of You

    "Since the world you perceive is not outside of you as it has seemed to be, and is actually inside of a you larger than your conditioning has allowed, your actual relationship to the world is quite different than what your culture has taught you. Your parents, teachers, peers, and even your habits of thought have all told you that you are only a small part of a much larger world. Although this has certainly seemed to be true, it has not been a full and correct understanding of things.

    "The truth is that you are much larger and grander than you've been taught. Your true beingness includes all of Creation. The outside world of your personal self is actually inside of the larger Being you truly are. At the core of your true identity are the Creators of the Universe, the Universal Feminine and myself, the Universal Masculine."

    You Own the World

    "In order to know about anything, you must perceive it -- and when you perceive anything at all, it belongs to you. It is your perception and it resides inside of you, the perceiver. To perceive it is to own it.

    "You own the world because its existence is in your perceptions, in the place inside I'll call your domain or 'venue'. This is your show and you're responsible for it whether your involvement is as a performer or only a spectator.

    "The two essential elements of reality are the perceiver and their perceptions. The perceptions belong to the perceiver, not the other way around. The world belongs to you because it is you and only you who can perceive it."

    You are Hosting the World

    "Because the world exists inside of you and belongs to you, you are essentially the host or hostess of the world. You are the innkeeper who accommodates all of your perceptions. All apparent beings, objects, feelings, thoughts and facts of the world are actually perceptions which reside in the space you provide for them inside of yourself. If there is someone or something in your life, it is because you have invited them to be a guest at your inn. If you feel a certain circumstance, person or event in your life is not of your choosing, then you are asleep to your role as venue owner and host.

    "If this is a new idea for you, please open yourself to even more understanding here. There are other guests in your world as well. Not only are you host to all of your current perceptions, but also to every perception you've ever had, including the ones you thought you'd disowned. Your conscious mind is a relatively small bubble floating on the surface of the great unconscious part of your mind that contains all perceptions presently out of your awareness."

    When the Host Sleeps

    "Just as there is an apparent outside world that contains other people, there are parts of the self who vie for consciousness and expression. Your inner parts are like the people in the 'outer' world who are guests in your venue. If you are awake to yourself as the host, you can choose whom to invite into your venue,when they should come and when they should leave."

    "If you are asleep to your hosting role, both inner and outer 'guests', arrive and disappear in what may seem like a random or even chaotic order of events. Even when you think you have a situation well in hand, it can turn in a direction you did not anticipate. This is not because there is an outer objective world that you do not control. This is because you have been asleep to Who You Truly Are and your role as host of your own world."

    When the Host Awakens

    "This is the turning point of the drama playing in your venue where the victim becomes the liberator. As you wake up and become aware of your true identity and your responsibilities as the world's host, you regain your greatness, freedom, power and strength of purpose that was lost when you fell asleep long ago.

    "Awakening to the liberation and return to power of the individual has been the true aim of all religions, all art, philosophies and sciences. It has been the message behind all prophecy. The Truth can be known. Although it is beyond the power of words to express, you will know the Truth when you are fully awake.

    "In the next lesson we will discuss the phenomenon of projection as it pertains to reality creation and waking up."

Lesson One Discussion (immediately below)

Truth and Reality Class, Lesson Two: Projection and Perception


From the book "The Seth Material:"

      “… you must be taught and trained to create responsibly. Yours is a training system for emerging consciousness.”

      “You are learning to be cocreators. You are learning to be gods as you now understand the term. You are learning responsibility- the responsibility of any individualized consciousness. You are learning to handle the energy that is yourself, for creative purposes.”

From “The Early Sessions:”

      “The child must mature, and your system is a maturing ground, a very primary one…. A beginning school…”

      “The human race is a stage though which various forms of consciousness travel. Before you can be allowed into systems of reality that are more extensive and open, you must first learn to handle energy and see, through physical materialization, the concrete result of thought and emotion.”

      “In more advanced systems, thoughts, and emotions are automatically and immediately translated into action, into whatever approximation of matter there exists. Therefore, the lessons must be taught and learned well. The responsibility for creation must be clearly understood.”

According to Seth, the physical world can be thought of as an elementary school. We are all enrolled in a cosmic grade school and we are here to learn AND to enjoy our being. In the fertile soil of physical reality we are meant to grow and blossom.

Our day to day experience is our classroom, and we are learning the A.B.C.'s of how to use energy so that we can become conscious co-creators with the Univeral Spirit, Mind, God, All THAT IS, or whatever term you prefer. On the one hand we are each unique manifestations of the Universal Spirit/All That Is, and on the other hand we are individual “infant” gods, or gods in training.

One of the most important lessons to be learned is that we create our own reality, according to our thoughts, emotions and beliefs. We each have access to unlimited energy and the inner knowledge of our “soul” or greater identity, and we are supposed to learn how to use our awesome power with skill and wisdom.


Audio Clip 5: (transcript of audio clip below)

From The Seth Audio Collection, Volume 1, Tape 1 Selection 3 Excerpt C

      “Your thoughts have an electromagnetic reality. Now you must realize that this is true or the rest of what I am saying will indeed sound like Pollyanna nonsense.

      When you think in terms, for example, of abundance and plenty, then those thoughts draw to you abundance and plenty as a magnet does.

      There will be a while, while you are changing your beliefs - for example, you will find yourself in a period where you feel quite self deceptive and you are saying ‘I am surrounded by wealth and abundance’, and you still look around you and you are poor. And you think, ‘This is a lot of bull!’

      But it took you some time to build up your beliefs to the point of your present experience, and, so, in your terms, there may be some lag before your new beliefs draw to you abundance. But, your physical experience follows your thought. And you cannot change the experience without first changing your thought. Now it does no good to believe two things at the same time.

      So, what you do is this -- you say, ‘I will play around with this idea. I will admit that it might be possible that my own thoughts about money are causing my lack of it. And so, for the hell of it, I will, several times a day, pretend that I am surrounded by abundance, and in my mind I will imagine the things that I want. If it does not work, I have not lost a thing, but if it works, I have gained a lot.’

      So, you try it for several weeks, and each time that you do, the idea becomes a little bit more possible, a little bit more real. And, in the meantime, these thoughts are changing the beliefs that you have had.

      They are at least balancing them. And they begin to draw to you abundance. There is no other way to change your physical reality, but by changing your thoughts.”


Audio Clip 7: (transcript of audio clip below)

From Seth Audio Clips, Volume 1, Tape #22 Nov 6, 1973:

      “I am trying to tell you that if you look inward, and study your own sacredness and creativity and blessedness, and joy and power, as closely as you study the sacred books of the gods, then you would realize that all those books of the gods were based upon the great reality of the individual, the individual soul, and therefore based upon your own reality.

      Do yourselves just honor, and in doing yourselves that honor, you will see within yourself, the ‘gods-in-becoming’ that you are.

      Now the idea of the gods have been set up before you, by yourselves as ideals for you to follow - projected outward from your own souls into physical reality as guides for you to follow - that you yourselves have set up. And so they have followed the thesis and the times and the historical context of their mortal birth.

      But behind and within those myths are the realities of your being - the Christ and the Buddha are both within you, for they are symbols of what you are. Pray to them and you pray to the hidden gods within you. You do not need to kick them aside like a child irritated with his toys!

      Understand the nature of the gods as they come down to you, through your histories, and in them always you will find the unspoken but real nature of the hidden god within each of you.

      All That Is is beyond your intellectual ideas of personhood. Any concepts you use to personify that idea can be useful. But only in seeing beyond them can you release the power, and the energy, and to some extent, the knowledge of what you are, and only through understanding that, can you hope to have any idea of All That Is. For All That Is materializes through your flesh and being.”

Otsikko: Vs: Sethin opetuksia
Kirjoitti: ^^Queen Nefertiti^^ - 23.04.2010 09:51:36
tämä onkin ehkä ollut ensimmäisiä suosiota saaneita kanavoituja olentoja, joista kenties kanavointivillitys alkoi, sitten vasta Orin - da Ben jne,

The Seth Material is a collection of metaphysical  texts dictated by the American author and psychic Jane Roberts (May 8, 1929–September 5, 1984) from late 1963 until her death. The Seth Material is one of the cornerstones of New Age philosophy,[1][2][3]  and has been described as the most influential channelled text of the post-World War II "New Age" movement other than A Course in Miracles.[4]  According to professor of psychology Jon Klimo, the Seth books were instrumental in bringing the idea of channeling to a broad public audience, more so than any prior writer other than Edgar Cayce, who died in 1945.[5]

The Seth Material was purportedly dictated, not by Roberts herself, but by a discarnate entity who called himself Seth,[6] whom Roberts "channeled".[7][8] Roberts described the process of writing the Seth Material as entering a trance state during which the Seth personality assumed control of her body and speak through her. These episodes are variously referred to as "readings" or "sessions".[9]

Other authors have also written material they claim to be channeled from the Seth entity, especially after Roberts' death,[10] including, among others, Thomas Massari, who founded the Seth-Hermes Foundation and claimed to channel the Seth entity as early as 1972.[11] Jean Loomis, director of the Aquarian Center in Connecticut, has claimed to channel the same "Seth".[12] Study groups have formed in various locations around the USA working with the Seth Material, similar to groups working with the teachings of other "channeled entities" (for example, White Eagle, Ramtha and A Course in Miracles).[12][13]

Catherine L. Albanese, a professor of American Religious History at the University of Chicago, stated that in the 1970s the Seth Material "launched an era of nationwide awareness" of the channeling trend and directly contributed to the "self-identity of an emergent New Age movement and also augmenting its ranks."[14] John P. Newport, in his study of the impact of New Age beliefs on contemporary culture, described the central focus of the Seth Material as the idea that, for each individual, "you create your own reality". He wrote that this foundational concept of the New Age movement was first articulated in the Seth Material.[11] According to historian Robert C. Fuller, professor of religious studies at Bradley University, the Seth personality filled the role of guide for what Fuller called "unchurched American spirituality", including the topics of reincarnation, karma, free will, ancient metaphysical wisdom, and "Christ consciousness".[15]


The Teaching

White Eagle’s gentle teaching has become known to thousands of people across the world through its publication in the books of the White Eagle Publishing Trust (augmented by CD's, audio cassettes, the bimonthly magazine Stella Polaris, and it’s quotation in other journals and books).

What White Eagle teaches is simply a way of life: it is not a way of life that demands huge changes at the outer level, but it does imply a great shift in consciousness within. It means moving from a belief that external and material things have power over us, to an acknowledgement of our own power to create and make beautiful all that we see. It means putting first an absolute trust in spirit so that it is love, not fear, that motivates us.

pine conesWhite Eagle teaches that we are spirit first and body last. "You could be as kings,’ he says, ’ruling supreme over all negative conditions in your lives; but too often you can succumb to the negative forces instead of releasing, with your own master key, the power and light stored up within you to combat these forces."

He also says that spirit has the power completely to change the body. "You are spirit. The real you, the consciousness, is spirit. As you strengthen this realisation through meditation and worship of your Creator your spirit will begin to dominate the physical atoms, until your body becomes irradiated with life, and every particle obeys the direction of spirit, the real you."

There are other things that White Eagle teaches. The law of Karma and Opportunity, for instance, which is based on a belief in reincarnation. However, there is nothing that White Eagle teaches except the simple truth ‘you are spirit’ that needs to be taken on board to understand the beauty and the comfort of what he says. Many times he has said, if you find the idea of reincarnation difficult, don’t struggle with it. The divine plan is far greater than any of us could ever comprehend, and to believe we can sum up the purpose of your existence in few phrases is futile. Maybe vastly more things are true, and can be true simultaneously, than we could possibly credit!

Here is a final thought, from one of White Eagle’s books - all the rest of the teaching can be found in those books themselves and in the work of the Lodge:

maple leaf "Develop from the heart, meditate on love, live love, absorb love, give love, and your soul will become alight. The divine magic will rest in your hands, enabling you to heal the sick, to comfort the bereaved, to bless the sorrowful, to beautify everything you touch, and to bring peace and happiness to the lives of men and women."

Otsikko: Vs: Sethin opetuksia
Kirjoitti: Ratkaisu - 23.04.2010 09:56:32
Hyvä saada laajempaakin näkemystä asioihin. =) Voisin kyllä sanoa samaa sinne Michael ketjuun, johon myös asiaa kirjoittelit. Mielenkiintoiselta vaikuttaa ja olihan tuolla mukana nuo minun rakastamani teesit ja antiteesit =) Se on kyllä jännä, että näissä kanavoinneissakin menee nämä trendit ja tieyt kanavoitavat ovat suositumpia kuin toiset. Kai se tärkeintä olisi löytää se oma lähde mikä puhuttelee itseä parhaiten.

Pitää paneutua näihin Sethin opetuksiin lähemmin kunhan täältä koululta pääsen kotio päin, niin palailen sitten lähemmin asialle. =)

Otsikko: Vs: Sethin opetuksia jne
Kirjoitti: ^^Queen Nefertiti^^ - 23.04.2010 09:57:12
jep, tässä se on uudestaan: näistä kanavointihuuma alkoi  :D nämä ei siis ole minulle mitenkään tärkeitä tai olennaisia, kunhan vertailen.

lähde; wikipedia


(engl. channeling). Kanavoinnilla tarkoitetaan menetelmää, jossa psyykikko eli kanavoija toimii välittäjänä fysikaalisen maailman ja henkimaailman välillä. Kanavoijien kautta on väitetysti saatu viestejä edesmenneiltä henkilöiltä kuten Moosekselta, Jeesukselta, Kungfutselta, Albert Einsteinilta ja John Lennonilta, tai epämääräisiltä ”ihmisten ymmärtämiskyvyn ylittäviltä” energiaolennoilta. Joskus henget ovat aikaisemmin tuntemattomia, eli ainoat yhdyssiteemme heihin (ja todisteemme heistä) ovat kanavoijan väitteet.

Kanavointi voidaan suorittaa valvetilassa tai transsissa. Transsissa kanavoija luovuttaa kehonsa henkiolennon hallintaan, ja viesti välittyy motoristen automatismien avulla (esim. automaattikirjoitus). Myös Ouija-lautaa voidaan hyödyntää kanavoinnissa.

**tuossa kohtaa oltava tarkka, vaikk mikä Kryon sanoisi puhuvansa.

Kanavoinnilla on pitkä historia, vaikka siitä onkin käytetty eri nimeä. Psyykkisen tutkimuksen piiriin kanavointi tuli meedioiden myötä 1800-luvun lopussa. Tuon ajan meediot eroavat kanavoijista oikeastaan vain ektoplasman tuottamisessa; ennen niin suosittu materialisointi on jäänyt suureksi osaksi historiaan. Toinen tekijä, mikä erottaa meediot kanavoijista on palkkioiden ottaminen: meediot eivät useinkaan ottaneet rahallista palkkiota vastaan, vaikka koruja tms. kylläkin. Nykyinen kanavointi on usein ammatillista toimintaa; sillä voi tienata leipänsä tai paljon enemmänkin.

Kanavointi sai alkunsa Yhdysvalloissa vuonna 1972 Jane Robertsin (1929–1984) kirjan Seth speaks myötä. Sen suosiota kiihdyttivät näyttelijä Shirley MacLainen (s. 1934) esiintymiset, tv-ohjelmat sekä erityisesti teos Out on a limb. Pian esiin tuli muitakin ”henkiolentoja”, kuten Jack Purselin Lazaris, joka ei koskaan ole omannut fyysista kehoa. Lazaris elää ”dimensiossa, jossa ei ole aikaa eikä tilakäsitettä”.

Yhdysvaltalainen Judy Zebra Knightin kanavoi puolestaan Ramthaa, maailmanvalloittajaa, joka syntyi 35 000 vuotta sitten Atlantiksen slummeissa. Ramtha muun muassa keksi sotimisen, ja hän on todennut, että homoista pitäisi ”päästä eroon”. Eräs saksalainen nainen yritti myös kanavoida Ramthaa, mutta Knight haastoi hänet oikeuteen, voitti ja sai siten yksinoikeuden Ramthan kanavointiin. Knight saanee Ramtha-istunnoista miljoonia markkoja vuodessa.

Kielitieteilijä Sarah G. Thomasonin mukaan ”henkiolentojen” tuottamat tekstit ovat pohjimmiltaan yksinkertaisia, sanallisesti runsaita, epämääräisiä, toistavia ja tyhjänpäiväisiä, ne on otettava vastaan kuin ilmoitus ja henkiolentojen ”murteet” ovat vähintäänkin kyseenalaisia. Ensinnäkään kanavoijien murteet eivät yleensä ole kattavia; erikoisia puhepiirteitä käytetään vain ilmeisimmissä sanoissa. Lisäksi kanavoija voi innostuessaan unohtaa eksoottisen puhetavan.

Kirjallisuutta: Alcock 1989; Gardner 1991; Gordon 1991; Schick ja Vaughn 1995; Thomason 1989.

Games to Build Understanding (Seth)
by Patsy Davis

The Name It & Claim It
I invite all of you to join me in this game. Remember that what we think and claim is what we create. The consciousness has no limits to its ability except that it will create only what we choose and when we do not consciously choose anything and continually change our mind and give energy to the rational approach which is bound by space and linear time, then it is small wonder that we feel we are never going to accomplish our goal. The trick is that first we must name and claim a goal and then just concentrate on living each moment to its fullest. Our consciousness will take care of the rest. Remember to look for the events that give you
pleasure, you know, that warm feeling that makes you glad to be alive and fills you with happiness. Then go back to your earliest memory and find that feeling and follow it to the present day. You will find your calling and then claim it.

The Money Game
When you have compose yourself in bed before going to sleep. Imagine a pot of money containing bills of all different denominations such as: 10s, 20, 50s 100s, and 1000 filling the pot to overflowing, right above your body near the ceiling. Now, imagine the pot turning over and the bills falling all over your body until you are covered with them. Feel the money as it covers your body. Then forget it and go to sleep. Do this exercise for 3 consecutive nights and then forget about it. A week later, review what has happen in your life regarding money or your income. Do not think about the exercise during the intervening time, just be alert to any event which involves your finances.

Play With Magic
Game 1...
Have you ever rode a cloud? You haven't, then it is time you did. It helps to do this with children because they are so good at riding clouds and sliding down rainbows. Just relax and look at the sky. Select a nice fluffy one and close your eyes and focus on your inner landscape. See your cloud. Just grab the end of it and pull it down to ground level and step on to it. Set down and get conformable and enjoy the ride. Look over the side and watch the landscape as it flows by. The hills and valleys and the mountains. Hey look to your right, see that bird flying along with us. Be careful the air currents are pretty bumpy right here. Hang on tight. How are you enjoying your ride. Well it is time to go home. Just visualize your home and you will be there. Now lower the cloud to ground level and hop off. See, that wasn't so hard, was it. Tomorrow we will slide down a rainbow using the same magic.

Game 2...
Programing a parking place. As you drive to the parking lot, visualize a parking space right in front of the store you are going to and then forget about it. When you enter the parking lot, drive right to that spot and park your car. It will be empty by the time you get there.See there it is and you don't even have to wait for it.

Game 3...
Changing traffic lights to green. When you start your car just imagine all traffic lights will be green as you approach them and then forget about it. Voile, they are green. Wasn't that easy. If you have a child in the car with you, let them do it. They are so good at magic.

Ramtha-meininki vaikuttaa aika hurahtaneelta, tuolta voi lukaista kirjaa.. (ei puhuttele tää)

Judy Zebra Knight (born Judith Darlene Hampton on March 16, 1946, in Roswell, New Mexico), usually known as J. Z. Knight, is an American metaphysical teacher and author and the reputed channel of a spiritual entity named Ramtha.

Knight claims to bridge ancient wisdom and the power of consciousness together with the latest discoveries in science.[citation needed] Some of the ideas are similar to those of Shirley MacLaine's,[1] which have in turn been criticized for being "kindergarten metaphysics" by mathematician and skeptic Martin Gardner.[2] Ramtha's teachings have further been criticised by scientists and skeptics around the world (see Controversy and Criticism below). Knight has appeared on US TV shows, such as Larry King[3] and The Merv Griffin Show, offering spiritual insight and inspiration to thousands of people from all over the world, including figures from the entertainment and political world such as Linda Evans and Shirley MacLaine. Knight also participated as a speaker at an international women's conferences affiliated with the United Nations.[4][citation needed]

Knight now lives in a 12,800-square-foot French-chateau-styled mansion in the outskirts of Yelm, Washington, which includes a spa, swimming pool and stables, and recruits a staff of 14.[5] A horse arena nearby has been turned into what is called The Great Hall, where she teaches courses and runs Ramtha's School of Enlightenment.[6]

Knight has been married six times (five of which ended with divorce) and is the mother of two children from her first marriage (Brandy and Christopher),[7] which was ended in divorce due to her unwillingness to continue putting up with her husband's alcoholism and infidelity.

How it Came

A Course in Miracles
began with the sudden decision of two people to join in a common goal. Their names were Helen Schucman and William Thetford, Professors of Medical Psychology at Columbia University's College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York City. They were anything but spiritual. Their relationship with each other was difficult and often strained, and they were concerned with personal and professional acceptance and status. In general, they had considerable investment in the values of the world. Their lives were hardly in accord with anything that the Course advocates. Helen, the one who received the material, describes herself:

    "Psychologist, educator, conservative in theory and atheistic in belief, I was working in a prestigious and highly academic setting. And then something happened that triggered a chain of events I could never have predicted. The head of my department unexpectedly announced that he was tired of the angry and aggressive feelings our attitudes reflected, and concluded that, 'there must be another way.' As if on cue I agreed to help him find it. Apparently this Course is the other way."

Although their intention was serious, they had great difficulty in starting out on their joint venture. But they had given the Holy Spirit the "little willingness" that, as the Course itself was to emphasize again and again, is sufficient to enable Him to use any situation for His purposes and provide it with His power.

To continue Helen's first-person account:

    "Three startling months preceded the actual writing, during which time Bill suggested that I write down the highly symbolic dreams and descriptions of the strange images that were coming to me. Although I had grown more accustomed to the unexpected by that time, I was still very surprised when I wrote, "This is a course in miracles." That was my introduction to the Voice. It made no sound, but seemed to be giving me a kind of rapid, inner dictation which I took down in a shorthand notebook. The writing was never automatic. It could be interrupted at any time and later picked up again. It made me very uncomfortable, but it never seriously occurred to me to stop. It seemed to be a special assignment I had somehow, somewhere agreed to complete. It represented a truly collaborative venture between Bill and myself, and much of its significance, I am sure, lies in that. I would take down what the Voice "said" and read it to him the next day, and he typed it from my dictation. I expect he had his special assignment, too. Without his encouragement and support I would never have been able to fulfill mine. The whole process took about seven years. The Text came first, then the Workbook for Students, and finally the Manual for Teachers. Only a few minor changes have been made. Chapter titles and subheadings have been inserted in the Text, and some of the more personal references that occurred at the beginning have been omitted. Otherwise the material is substantially unchanged."