Astro Foorumi

Astro special => Sideerinen astrologia => Aiheen aloitti: sideman - 22.04.2013 15:11:41

Otsikko: Varoitus FFL:sta
Kirjoitti: sideman - 22.04.2013 15:11:41

Date: Mon Apr 22, 2013 3:53 am
Subject: warning from one the brightest Jyotish minds alive    srijau...
Narasimha P.V.R. Rao
7:53 PM (1 hour ago)

to JyotishGroup, JyotishWritings, vedic-astrology, sohamsa

Copied from my Facebook post:

I mentioned before that an unstable phase that started at the end of March
extends till the end of May and that natural disasters and also man-made
disasters with long-term consequences are possible. Sun (will power) and Mars
(aggressive spirit) are now marching together in the warrior sign of Aries. A
few days after the eclipse of April 25/26, they will be exactly opposite Saturn
(patience). It can create very tricky and dangerous political/military
situations in the world. When Sun & Mars will get close to Ketu (eccentricity)
around the second eclipse of May 9/10, explosive situations may develop. At the
end of your homam/pooja/meditation, please pray for a few minutes for better
sense to prevail in people and for peace and calm in the world. Om Shaantih
Shaantih Shaantih.

Best regards,

Otsikko: Vs: Varoitus FFL:sta
Kirjoitti: Yep - 22.04.2013 16:21:10
Jäi vähän auki, mikä toi FFL on?
Ymmärsin kyllä tekstin sisällön, mutta mistä tuo lyhennys tulee?

Otsikko: Vs: Varoitus FFL:sta
Kirjoitti: sideman - 23.04.2013 00:16:24
Jäi vähän auki, mikä toi FFL on?
Ymmärsin kyllä tekstin sisällön, mutta mistä tuo lyhennys tulee?